The Video Game Thread

I've been severly out of the gaming since my PS3 died on me. I have finally started playing a game I had laying around on the shelf for more than 6 months time which is "Red Dead Redemption" Western RPG for the Xbox 360.

One of the best games ever!

@Dave, another goddamn portable game? What the hell. That makes what? Three or four since KH2? The bastards.
It's the sequel to The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion.


None of that is pre-rended by the way, it's all gameplay.
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So it's Elder Scrolls V basically.

Pass. I'll stick to my JRPGs and 2D fighters. Speaking of JRPGs, beat Minerva again on Crisis Core this morning... I've no idea what people are whining about. If you have the correct setup and a high enough level, she's a fucking cakewalk - you just need to have fast reaction times.
FINALLY managed to finish the Confessions of the Creator storyline in Dissidia Duodecim! Though the final boss - a Lv.130 Feral Chaos - may seem scary with 125000+ HP (seriously), he was actually a complete pushover. Slightly disappointed that he was that easy to beat and everything else in CotC was so fucking difficult... but then again, I spammed the everloving shit out of him haha. Unlocked him as a playable character for that, and I already maxed out his level. Oh Square Enix, you make things so easily exploitable sometimes :lol: Seriously though, I'm actually kind of gutted that I've beaten him now. There's very little left for me to do, bar levelling every character to lv.100 and shooting for some accomplishments that don't really give good rewards anyway. Guess I'll buy Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions and be done with it.

My progress on Final Fantasy XII is almost exactly the same as it was with my last post too, because fuck that Giruvegan dungeon. I've hunted all available marks up until this point though... Keenan, did you ever finish XII? Give me some pointers on Giruvegan, I fucking hate it :lol:
I did. Sadly, I remember close to nothing about the game. :lol: Was Giruvegan the weird place with like.... Shit, I don't even know how to describe it. Nevermind. :lol:
I played a demo for that game. It was really stupid. :lol:

Battlefield 3 is growing on me. After spending some time unlocking stuff, it's alot more fun then it was at first. The first hour or so of online made me rage really really bad. Now it's good though because I have cool stuff. :p

Also if anyone is interested, the MMORPG DC Universe Online, where you create your own superhero and play alongisde the Justice League, Green Lantern Corps and others is going free to play Tuesday for PS3 and PC. No monthly fee, and the game itself is gonna be free too. Awesome!

Also on Tuesday, UNCHARTED 3! :D
Finally got past Giruvegan! Just trying to get a Ribbon or six from the chest in cerobi Steppe, but fuck me is this probability spawning malarky a pain in the fucking dick... 50% spawn chance for the chest, and then oly a 3% chance for that to be a Ribbon with the Diamond Armlet equipped? I miss the good old days when I just go my items in a chest and rejoiced. Square Enix are really acting like dicks these days.
I got the Zodiac Spear from the Necrohol of Nabudis some 20 hours ago :lol: I think I got it shortly after the events at the Stilshrine of Miriam. It's been extremely handy, though I'd rather give Vaan a sword I'm so used to him using it that I'd fuck myself if I dequipped it.

I'm pretty much at the end of the game now, considering that Sky Fortress Bahamut has appeared with a message telling me that once I enter, I can't turn back. Spending my time hunting the last ten or so Marks - I literally just beat Fafnir about two minutes ago. Man, what a fucking asshole. I need Ribbons, goddammit!!
Figures. It's like a 1-in-200 chance of getting it or some stupid shit. I tried for hours and hours and never got it. :(

Also, have fun with Yiazmat when you get to him. He was the only one I never killed. 50,000,000 HP? :lol: Fuck that.