The Video Game Thread

Because it may influence/convince children that violence is a good thing, therefore they grow up to be serial killers just because they moved their thumbs around when they were children.
I started playing the original Metal Gear last night. I have no clue where to go, and it seems like all the doors are locked. :lol:
Well I've progressed relatively far through Kingdom Hearts 2 on Proud mode and shit's difficult. But I re(re-re-re)started Symphony of the Night today to try my hand at luck mode - extra enemy drops FTW! Also I cheated that asshole Death to keep all of my starting equipment, but the downside? Reduced stats. Drastically reduced stats - normal starting HP is 70. In lucky mode? Fucking 20.
Got into playing DC Universe Online again. 16 Marks of Triumph in two and a half hours? YES.

Speaking of DC, I started Batman : Arkham Asylum earlier. Game's pretty awesome. Didn't get to play it for too long though.
Arkham Asylum is a great game. Love the intro with Killer Croc. Playing that game really late at night with the lights off really set a mood of suspense.