The Video Game Thread

Actually, what I really want to do is replay Metal Gear Solid. I'm gonna get the MGS HD Collection next week and play Metal Gear Solid 3, then Peace Walker, Metal Gear 1 and 2, MGS1 and 2, then finish with 4.

Apparently, Peace Walker has co-op too, which sounds great.
I played Dark Messiah Might and Magic recently, well I'm still playing it but the combat beats the shit out of Skyrim. I can't believe how much more I prefer it.
Skyrim is still pretty good though.
I played the demo for Final Fantasy XIII-2 last night. Actually wasn't that bad until the game starting explaining all the time-travel sections..... Then I kinda lost interest.
Finished the Dark Brotherhood questline in Skyrim. Interesting, but a letdown after the DB in Oblivion. Plan on completing the Thieves Guild this weekend and then I will probably take a break from Skyrim. Might do a replay of Dante's Inferno.
Played Doom 2 on Ultra-Violence earlier, got to the Crusher and couldn't get to the fucking blue keycard because you stumble over corpses - which make taking the running leap needed to reach said keycard fucking impossible. Angry Dave!
I got to the part with the chef, but now all Skyrim does is freeze on me. :(

I got my copy of the MGS HD Collection today. Time to replay the ENTIRE SERIES. :D
Buy a PS3 instead and get Demon's Souls. You'd love Demon's Souls.

Restarted MGS3 last night. Played it for three hours. :lol:
On the topic of Castlevania, I downloaded the demo for Harmony of Despair, and thought it was okay. It did play exactly like Symphony of the Night, but this game was mostly online based. Why the hell would you want to play Castlevania with up to three other people at the same time? Sounds stupid to me.

Up to The Fury boss fight in MGS3. I fucking love that game. :D
On the topic of Castlevania, I downloaded the demo for Harmony of Despair, and thought it was okay. It did play exactly like Symphony of the Night, but this game was mostly online based. Why the hell would you want to play Castlevania with up to three other people at the same time? Sounds stupid to me.

Up to The Fury boss fight in MGS3. I fucking love that game. :D

So you can play with me!!!!!!!! get Harmony of despair!!!! :D

And Dave I dont agree with that, have you ever played circle of the moon? or any of the gba/ds games? Theyre good.
Provided I can actually get my copy to work, I might start Kingdom Hearts II again. For some reason my console refused to play the disc correctly awhile back - insanely long loading times and the like. I bought a backup copy and it was the same problem, maybe I'll have better luck. I should probably get another PS2.