The video may be crap, but the new Sym-X is astounding!


Just a Kid at Heart
I've been listening to Paradise Lost, the new Symphony X tour de force, since it was released earlier today. For my money, it puts the new Dream Theater (Systematic Chaos) to shame.

Symphony X has never disappointed me. But Paradise Lost surpasses V and The Odyssey for sheer jaw-dropping musical ecstasy.

True, Russell Allen sings mostly in a growl on this one, but there are also moments where his voice just soars. Plus, the production is top-notch and the musicianship is superb.

I'd rate Paradise Lost 9/10. Only albums like Misplaced Childhood, Operation:Mindcrime, or Dark Side of the Moon get a 10 in my book. So I'm ranking it right up there with some of my favorite albums of all time.

I agree! And as far as the dvd is concerned I realize it was an extra cost but i never look for one of these to be great. If so it would not be in a cd dvd combo it would be sold seperate at well over 20 dollars. But this disc is a monster! Behold the "X" return to smash the metal world with another master piece!
I agree Paradise Lost is an awesome album, loving it, loving it, loving it!!!!

My opinion its way better than The Odyssey, its back to form like TDWoT!!Awesome album

This is another great album from the X boyz indeed.I don't really understand the ongoing comparison to DT though. To me, they are so different that I don't understand the comment about DT taking queues from X or that Paradise Lost is better than Systematic Chaos. That's like saying bananas are better than apples.

IMO, they have both put out stellar albums. The only comparison I will make is that I rate all of Symphony x's albums to date a 9/10. I can't say the same for DT. DT has restored my faith in them with the new release and Symphony X just proves that they are the kings of consistency.
I don't think I have the balls to say this on the Symphony X forums so I'll have to say it here.

Based on the first few listens I think Paradise Lost is flat out terrible.

None of the vocal melodies are particularly interesting or capture a strong emotional sentiment. The vocals are all inappropriately gruff on the heavy songs and overly dramatic on the softer songs, which aren't developed well enough to warrant that much crooning. If a young band came up to me and said 'this is our CD, what do you think' and handed me V, I would say 'you have arguably one of the best singers around, he's articulate and accurate and sings with a great range of emotion and diversity, keep that guy at all costs.' In the same situation with Paradise Lost I would say 'you may want to think about firing your vocalist and finding a better singer'. That is a HUGE jump!

Pretty much all the songs have the same feel and there is little that distinguishes one from another - its one thing to have unity within an album, its another to have a drone that sounds like a couple softer songs were just thrown in randomly to say 'here are a couple of softer songs, we do those sometimes'. The song Paradise Lost sounds like they tried to rewrite TEoF and jammed a bit of Communion and the Oracle in there, but went way too fast and congested for a melodic song and wound up with a chaotic mess. And WAY too many open string hammer on, pull off riffs run throughout. Plus, they need outside help with the production - the sonority is better than Odyssey, but so much of the mixing is off - there are things you can't quite make out, and the solos sit in an uncomfortable frequency zone that they don't stand out from the rest of the song, they blend in and make mud.

The worst thing of all is the CD packaging. Okay, I get it, it's the eye of hell and it opens up to reveal DUN DAHH this CD which will be evil and demonic and blah blah blah. First off the graphics are shitty so right off the bat its a bit childish. Then I have to deal with these ridiculous cardboard flaps any time I want to put the CD away - which will undoubtedly be bent, and then promptly cut off within a matter of days. For a band that is going to sing about fantasy topics, they should know better that they walk a thin line between creatively fanciful and cheese, and that packaging lends itself to pure cheese - I don't know how people can take it seriously after seeing that. And what's strange is, the album cover art is great...what the hell happened!

Mind you this is all coming from someone who has called Symphony X his favorite band of all time for several years now (since V came out). It's not like I have a prejudice against them or anything - this was my most anticipated release of the year, I was flipping out all monday about getting it. But I'm not going to let wanting to like it change my actual opinion of it - and I really must say I have rarely been so disappointed with a release as this. These songs are just not well written, they sound less like the moving, powerful, and unique band I knew, and more like some average 'metal trying to be mainstream by catering to the head bangers' band that is a dime a dozen. I don't understand how right on the brink of prog/power metal actually entering the mainstream somewhat have so many bands opted to finally break down their stance of writing good music regardless of public perception and begun tailoring their style to the hardcore audience just to be more popular. Some bands are naturally of that genre - Symphony X is not.
I don't think I have the balls to say this on the Symphony X forums so I'll have to say it here.

Based on the first few listens I think Paradise Lost is flat out terrible.

None of the vocal melodies are particularly interesting or capture a strong emotional sentiment. The vocals are all inappropriately gruff on the heavy songs and overly dramatic on the softer songs, which aren't developed well enough to warrant that much crooning. If a young band came up to me and said 'this is our CD, what do you think' and handed me V, I would say 'you have arguably one of the best singers around, he's articulate and accurate and sings with a great range of emotion and diversity, keep that guy at all costs.' In the same situation with Paradise Lost I would say 'you may want to think about firing your vocalist and finding a better singer'. That is a HUGE jump!

Pretty much all the songs have the same feel and there is little that distinguishes one from another - its one thing to have unity within an album, its another to have a drone that sounds like a couple softer songs were just thrown in randomly to say 'here are a couple of softer songs, we do those sometimes'. The song Paradise Lost sounds like they tried to rewrite TEoF and jammed a bit of Communion and the Oracle in there, but went way too fast and congested for a melodic song and wound up with a chaotic mess. And WAY too many open string hammer on, pull off riffs run throughout. Plus, they need outside help with the production - the sonority is better than Odyssey, but so much of the mixing is off - there are things you can't quite make out, and the solos sit in an uncomfortable frequency zone that they don't stand out from the rest of the song, they blend in and make mud.

The worst thing of all is the CD packaging. Okay, I get it, it's the eye of hell and it opens up to reveal DUN DAHH this CD which will be evil and demonic and blah blah blah. First off the graphics are shitty so right off the bat its a bit childish. Then I have to deal with these ridiculous cardboard flaps any time I want to put the CD away - which will undoubtedly be bent, and then promptly cut off within a matter of days. For a band that is going to sing about fantasy topics, they should know better that they walk a thin line between creatively fanciful and cheese, and that packaging lends itself to pure cheese - I don't know how people can take it seriously after seeing that. And what's strange is, the album cover art is great...what the hell happened!

Mind you this is all coming from someone who has called Symphony X his favorite band of all time for several years now (since V came out). It's not like I have a prejudice against them or anything - this was my most anticipated release of the year, I was flipping out all monday about getting it. But I'm not going to let wanting to like it change my actual opinion of it - and I really must say I have rarely been so disappointed with a release as this. These songs are just not well written, they sound less like the moving, powerful, and unique band I knew, and more like some average 'metal trying to be mainstream by catering to the head bangers' band that is a dime a dozen. I don't understand how right on the brink of prog/power metal actually entering the mainstream somewhat have so many bands opted to finally break down their stance of writing good music regardless of public perception and begun tailoring their style to the hardcore audience just to be more popular. Some bands are naturally of that genre - Symphony X is not.

I'd be more than happy to cross post it for you! :heh:

Obviously, this is all your opinion, and you are definately in the minority.
Trying to compare everything to V is like trying to compare everything DT does to I&W. I think MJR hinted a LONG time ago, even before Gigantour, that this cd was going to be heavier & darker than what they've done in the past. I'd say they delivered. Again, your comments about the production/mix are also opinion. I think it sounds fine (minus the glitch in Domination, iirc).
IMO, it sounds like Sy-X, but heavier & darker. I seriously doubt there was any intention to make it that way to suck up to the hardcore audience. Before you tell me I don't know anything about music, and how tone deaf I am because I don't agree with you, I highly suggest taking a Midol, since I think you're still pissed about the band wearing jeans & T-shirts when they perform. :Smokedev:

p.s. I'm not a fan of digipacks at all, but if it's so cheesey, why worry about bending stuff? Throw the disc into a jewel case, and the digi in a bag, and you're done... :)
I don't think I have the balls to say this on the Symphony X forums so I'll have to say it here.

Based on the first few listens I think Paradise Lost is flat out terrible.


I have to agree with you on pretty much all accounts although I'm not as favorable toward The Odyssey as you are except the case of the vocals which I'm with you on. Nothing since TDWoT has impressed me with the exception of some of TiO. It all just seems like rehashed riffs & arpeggios. Nothing very eclectic or headturning. Even the nu metal guitar tones aren't enough to make a difference. I really like this band...ever since hearing TDG when it came out, but when you can pretty much predict what their new material will sound like...time for some changes. And this took 4-5 years to put together?
Agree with you on the catering to the mallcore crowd too...this is also an issue I have with DT's new release or at least 2 songs on it. Mallcore kids aren't gonna get it so why even go that direction. DT angled that way with away from it & redeemed themselves with 8vrum and seemingly back again :::shakes head:::
Sorry to cut your post off in the attempt to reduce my forum footprint. That's next on Al Gore's agenda...he invented the internet you know.:loco:
SyXified: I agree that this is not at all an inventive or groundbreaking album by any means. Despite what I feel is a lack of creativity on the new album however, I think it's still better than 99.9% of the stuff out there, which is testament to Symphony X's skill as a band.
I don't think I have the balls to say this on the Symphony X forums so I'll have to say it here.

Based on the first few listens I think Paradise Lost is flat out terrible.

None of the vocal melodies are particularly interesting or capture a strong emotional sentiment. The vocals are all inappropriately gruff on the heavy songs and overly dramatic on the softer songs, which aren't developed well enough to warrant that much crooning. If a young band came up to me and said 'this is our CD, what do you think' and handed me V, I would say 'you have arguably one of the best singers around, he's articulate and accurate and sings with a great range of emotion and diversity, keep that guy at all costs.' In the same situation with Paradise Lost I would say 'you may want to think about firing your vocalist and finding a better singer'. That is a HUGE jump!

Pretty much all the songs have the same feel and there is little that distinguishes one from another - its one thing to have unity within an album, its another to have a drone that sounds like a couple softer songs were just thrown in randomly to say 'here are a couple of softer songs, we do those sometimes'. The song Paradise Lost sounds like they tried to rewrite TEoF and jammed a bit of Communion and the Oracle in there, but went way too fast and congested for a melodic song and wound up with a chaotic mess. And WAY too many open string hammer on, pull off riffs run throughout. Plus, they need outside help with the production - the sonority is better than Odyssey, but so much of the mixing is off - there are things you can't quite make out, and the solos sit in an uncomfortable frequency zone that they don't stand out from the rest of the song, they blend in and make mud.

The worst thing of all is the CD packaging. Okay, I get it, it's the eye of hell and it opens up to reveal DUN DAHH this CD which will be evil and demonic and blah blah blah. First off the graphics are shitty so right off the bat its a bit childish. Then I have to deal with these ridiculous cardboard flaps any time I want to put the CD away - which will undoubtedly be bent, and then promptly cut off within a matter of days. For a band that is going to sing about fantasy topics, they should know better that they walk a thin line between creatively fanciful and cheese, and that packaging lends itself to pure cheese - I don't know how people can take it seriously after seeing that. And what's strange is, the album cover art is great...what the hell happened!

Mind you this is all coming from someone who has called Symphony X his favorite band of all time for several years now (since V came out). It's not like I have a prejudice against them or anything - this was my most anticipated release of the year, I was flipping out all monday about getting it. But I'm not going to let wanting to like it change my actual opinion of it - and I really must say I have rarely been so disappointed with a release as this. These songs are just not well written, they sound less like the moving, powerful, and unique band I knew, and more like some average 'metal trying to be mainstream by catering to the head bangers' band that is a dime a dozen. I don't understand how right on the brink of prog/power metal actually entering the mainstream somewhat have so many bands opted to finally break down their stance of writing good music regardless of public perception and begun tailoring their style to the hardcore audience just to be more popular. Some bands are naturally of that genre - Symphony X is not.

I totally disagree with you, you have valid points but nothing that I fall in line with at all... The vocal melodies in Paradise Lost the song are some of the best most memorable lines I have ever heard out of Symphony X and I would say that song has a strong contention for song of the year, its simply put, AWESOME... I also find that Revelation has alot of great melody and harmonies as well, another hit for me... I really think you are missing the point of the album and songs on this, obviously...The heaviness is a needed thing for me, I am so tired of bands getting lite and straying away from what made them. You seemingly want V again it seems and I am glad that Symphony X has the balls to move forward and not get stuck in the same dull drum that alot of bands find themselves in these days. Might be time for you to change your nick eh??? :lol::p

I think it's a good disc, but there's nothing really here that makes me want to spin it over and over again. I listened to it 10 times right off the bat, and have only felt the need to revisit it a couple times since. I liked The Odyssey a lot better.

I don't think I have the balls to say this on the Symphony X forums so I'll have to say it here.

Based on the first few listens I think Paradise Lost is flat out terrible.

None of the vocal melodies are particularly interesting or capture a strong emotional sentiment.

Man, we're not listening to the same CD! "Paradise Lost," the title track, gives me chills. I haven't heard anything that moving in a long, long time. The melody is gorgeous, Russell sings with passion and beauty, his voice soaring majestically, and the lyrics choke me up.

The feeling I get from listening to "Paradise Lost" is the same one I get when I gaze at timeless artwork such as "Sunday" by Georges Seurat or "Persistence" by Dali. My soul is stirred and my mind is transported to distant lands.

I've listened to Paradise Lost a dozen times since it was released. I've had the title track on repeat for the last 90 minutes. There's something about the song that deeply touches me. Call me an old softy, but I think Sym-X knocked it clean out of the park on that one. The lump-in-throat factor is set to 11.

My "versus" comment regarding DT's Systematic Chaos refers to how their albums touched me. It had nothing to do with their respective musicianship. DT's album left me cold, unmoved. Sym-X's hit me like a 2x4. If both albums hadn't been released within a month of each other I probably wouldn't even have compared them.

What I've always loved about Symphony X is their depth, both musical and emotional. They plumb the depths and explore themes rarely attempted by other bands. The end result is a thing of beauty.

For me, Paradise Lost is a modern musical masterpiece. However, as CD guru Ken Golden would say, your mileage may vary.
I am glad that Symphony X has the balls to move forward and not get stuck in the same dull drum that alot of bands find themselves in these days. :lol::p


Huh? Lmao...that's the problem with SX...they are stuck. :lol: It's just so predictable. I read about the "darker" aspect this release would have, but I think everybody knew what that meant. Russell will growl...Romeo down tunes. Other than that, you know it's going to be a Yngwie"ish" rhythm section, keys that sound like they could be in any Italian prog/power band (which I've seen plenty of people slam Italian bands for but applaud SX) ...and oh here it comes...YJM arpeggio right on time. And sorry, but the Slipnot guitar tone is not helping. These guys need some more influences badly. :erk:
Yeah, I agree on how the Sym X and DT comparisons are kinda like apples and oranges now. They both have real distinct sounds IMO. The comparison should now be between Circus Maximus and DT...:)
Symphony X has never disappointed me. But Paradise Lost surpasses V and The Odyssey for sheer jaw-dropping musical ecstasy.

I disagree that it surpases either one of those albums, but Paradise Lost is solid. Romeo has scaled back from the neoclassical noodling and went more into a groove oriented approach with this disc. The drumming stands out to me a little more with this release, but I'm not sure why. If I had my way, I wouldn't have wanted Russell to remain in his Dio-esque tone throughout the entire album, but that's a small complaint. Otherwise, the songwriting is solid, it's heavy as hell, and I like what they did with the choir vocals in some of the tracks. Paradise Lost is a solid effort from a top tier band within this genre, so you can't go wrong by picking it up.

Huh? Lmao...that's the problem with SX...they are stuck. :lol: It's just so predictable. I read about the "darker" aspect this release would have, but I think everybody knew what that meant. Russell will growl...Romeo down tunes. Other than that, you know it's going to be a Yngwie"ish" rhythm section, keys that sound like they could be in any Italian prog/power band (which I've seen plenty of people slam Italian bands for but applaud SX) ...and oh here it comes...YJM arpeggio right on time. And sorry, but the Slipnot guitar tone is not helping. These guys need some more influences badly. :erk:

See this is where we shall say its okay to agree to disagree. They are not stuck, they are moving forward in my opinion. I really think people want their favorite bands to rewrite the same album over and over again. Just because Romeo wants to change up his rhythms and throw in some super heavy riffage, now he is being compared to Slipknot!?!?!? WTF, so wrong, on so many levels...Russell sings heavier than ever, what are they selling out? LOL some people you can never please.

I love the album period, bottom line and again as I always say, to each his own...