The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

My most valuable item was an original pressing ('splattered spleen' edition) of the Severed Survival LP which was signed by the band.

Without the signature it usually runs about $150 USD, with it I was able to sell it off for $250 USD.
I think my rarest/most valuable album was Gorement's The Ending Quest, which I just sold a few hours ago for $492.

holy shit that's insane. that album isn't even that good

i'm not sure what the most valuable single item in my collection is but i have that Agalloch wood box set red vinyl that according to discogs sold for $550 at the most
Out of curiosity, I checked some of my stuff on discogs (I'm not a member there) and I was a bit surprised to find out that this seems to be my most valuable item:

As regards better-known bands, the vinyl version of Coroner's "Mental Vortex" and the original CD version of Holy Moses' "Finished with the Dogs" are probably my most valuable items. A far cry from some of the stuff mentioned before, but still quite decent for some ordinary releases.

One of my rarest releases (no one has got it on discogs) is this (non-metal) CD:åte-Gåte/release/3330770

And I've got a few demo-tapes which aren't even listed on discogs. Among them also the one with the most sentimental value for me, namely Fear of God's Demo '92:

My copy is a bit different, because the background colour of the cover is some kind of light green, there is no copyright note and below the "Engineered by..."-line there are two lines "Produced by Fear of God" and "Special thanks to Jay Abbene". But what makes this item really special for me is Dawn Crosby's (R.I.P.) signature and personal dedication on the cassette and the inside of the cover.
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i've got a lot of stuff that isn't on discogs or lm the only one or one of a few..if l get the time i'll put links up, but l did recently - last year - sell a 45 that went for £700
A record store near me just posted a video of new used records they just got:

Original press Master of Puppets (my friend bought it)
Original press Ride the Lightning
OP Seasons in the Abyss
OP The New Order
OP Pungent Stench ($100.00)
OP "Them"
OP Heaven and Hell

and this one:


Independent pressing before they got a label...a whopping $225 dollars used
Christ! How come you decided to sell it? Do you have another copy?

Pfft, it's better than a lot of better known Swedeath.

I've been selling off a lot of rare death metal in the last couple of months. I have a giant collection packed with sought after shit that I can't even enjoy due to hyperacusis/tinnitus. It's pointless hoarding it, might as well make some money.
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I've been selling off a lot of rare death metal in the last couple of months. I have a giant collection packed with sought after shit that I can't even enjoy due to hyperacusis/tinnitus. It's pointless hoarding it, might as well make some money.

its gotten that bad man? Even at low volumes? Had a spike over a week ago, still has not went down :(
Yeah, it has unfortunately just gotten worse and worse, and now I barely ever even attempt to listen to metal.

Sorry to hear that btw. I hope it improves. Shit's a fucking curse.

thanks man. Yeah, hopefully they find some kind of cure while we're still around.

all these bitch ass doctors and people try sugar coating it. "it'll get better" "it'll go back down". knew it was bullshit from the get go.
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