The Watch Films Online Thread


A Killer Robot
Jul 1, 2005
Kent, England
Um, not sure if this thread will be allowed to stay, but I really hope it is.

Thought it might be a cool idea to have a thread compiling links to streams of full or short films or to link compilation sites (like

I probably wont bother with most big hollywood releases 'cos they're not hard to find, but people can link to whatever they want be it your mate's 24 second arthouse short or a super secret bootleg screening of Indiana Jones and The Alien Nazi Robots (I have it on good authority, that's the next in the series)

We could do requests too. Just name a film you want to watch, but don't want to want to suffer the injustice of having to pay to do so, then the UM team of pro internet surfers can scour the sickening depths of the net to find it.

I'll get the ball rolling:




Director - Nuri Bilge Ceylan

The story of a family living in a small godforsaken town in Turkey seen through the eyes of children and dealing with the growing complexity when one becomes an adult

Watch here





Director - Richard Linklater

Presents a day in the life in Austin, Texas among its social outcasts and misfits, predominantly the twenty-something set, using a series of linear vignettes. These characters, who in some manner just don't fit into the establishment norms, move seamlessly from one scene to the next, randomly coming and going into one another's lives. Highlights include a UFO buff who adamantly insists that the U.S. has been on the moon since the 1950s, a woman who produces a glass slide purportedly of Madonna's pap smear, and an old anarchist who sympathetically shares his philosophy of life with a robber

[ame=]Watch here[/ame]​

etc etc
You obviously don't know much about cinema...

Here's a list of must-sees:

Shark Attack 3: Megalodon
Maniac Cop 2
Zombie Nation
Vegas Vampires