The Films of Gaspar Noé: Discussion & Analysis

stretch armstrong over here. but I think I need to (re)watch Spider

Definitely not a stretch. The film puts a lot of emphasis on the tattoos he and others have. I think the issue lay at the feet of people who only imagine Cronenberg as this sci-fi/gore guy and never really consider the themes he's playing with. It's why people constantly cry about Cronenberg "returning to form" etc.

Meanwhile he was already playing with identity in Dead Ringers for example, which thematically has more in common with A History of Violence than anything he was doing in the 80's or 90's. The psychological horror of Beverly not knowing which twin she's in a relationship with is quite close to Edie Stall's realisation that her husband Tom is actually a violent gangster named Joey. This is all there in Cronenberg's work if you simply look beyond the splatter.
I am going to see Noe's new film Vortex 11th May. He is doing a Q&A after. So stoked for this. He is quite a frank interviewee and does not shy away like his films from controversial comments or subjects.