the "what are you currently listening to" thread

I just hope that Portnoy doesn't join Avenged Sevenfold full-time. I like them a lot, but he's just way too good for them. He deserves far better, like to keep working with Transatlantic.

I don't know A7X all that well. But from what I hear, they're the cream of the crop.
I'm not the world's biggest A7X fan... but I have to admit, they are a good band. "Afterlife" is just awesome! They aren't like my favorite band but I am a fan (it's FaceBook official Y'ALL!).
They're great and all, but they're still arguably new blood. They're still working out their sound after 5 albums. They probably are the best metalcore band out there (if they can even count as metalcore besides their first two), but as I said, Portnoy is just... bigger than that. I'd kind of like to see him form his own band, actually.
Demon hunter> A7X

Also, this forum has a :Spam: emote, Why was I not informed of this?
Demon Hunter over A7X? o.O Wow, that's a bold statement. :b I personally enjoy Demon Hunter. But they seem too soft for metalcore, and too hard for rock.
I've been into Kamelot lately, but haven't had a chance to look up the new album. How is it?

I've only had a chance to listen to it once so far, so I can't make a definitive statement. However, upon first listen, I would guess that for me, it will rank about the same as their other albums since The Fourth Legacy. It has guest appearances by Jon Oliva (Savatage) and Simone Simmons (Epica).

I can't really choose a favorite Kamelot album. I'm not that familiar with their first two (pre-Khan) albums, and Siege Perilous is just a foreshadowing of the future great albums to come. But the rest are all about tied to me.

Anyone here listen to Conception (Khan's band before Kamelot)? I probably prefer them to Kamelot, maybe only because I knew them first, and because I'm a prog fan.
All of Epica is awesome. Arien Van Weesenbeek is an amazing drummer.

Currently listening to When Accepted by Kerix. Some power metal band from Brazil.
Nightwish - The Islander

Also, on a similar note, Just got a new computer, and the first song played was Martyr.
Same here, although I prefer Nightwish as band more, overall.

Oh yeah? As much as I love Nightwish, I must admit that my love for Epica's technicality and "true symphonic" work makes them my favorite Symphonic Band out there. I can get into Nightwish though, especially their older stuff with Tarja.
I do prefer nightwish's work with tarja, however, after reading the band's statement and her response to the whole situation, I can understand why they did it. And although I may not like it, I think they made the right choice.
I'm listening to Lights by Interpol. Good song but the video is a waste of memory in your brain 0.o!!!
Dad's been in a Rush Mood. So that's pretty much what I've listened to all week. I've also been dabbling in Techno. HeadHunterz in particular.