the "what are you currently listening to" thread

Luna Obscura - Waltz into Darkness

Very cool band. I found out about them because they're going to be supporting Leaves' Eyes at an upcoming show. If you like symphonic gothic metal and can handle beauty & the beast vocals, I highly recommend them.

On side note, Gogo Melone, who provides the female half of the vocals, is also an artist and does some pretty cool stuff.
You know they're made up of Christians....

Labrie and Mangini are Christians, Petrucci is a Christian with a Catholic background, and Portnoy and Rudess had Jewish backgrounds, but I think they're Christians as well.

Well, this is probably the worst way to judge this, but the rather strong language in their studio vids on Youtube makes me unsure if that's entirely true. I know that I'm in no position to judge whether a person is a Christian or not, but when I first saw 'em got the impression. However, if you say so...

Lighthouse pt. 1 - Wingdom
You know they're made up of Christians....

Labrie and Mangini are Christians, Petrucci is a Christian with a Catholic background, and Portnoy and Rudess had Jewish backgrounds, but I think they're Christians as well.

>Portnoy and Rudess had Jewish backgrounds, but I think they're Christians as well.
Nope. I don't think change that easily and I've never seen anything to prove this, but then again I could be wrong, I haven't actually done any research past the initial realization.

>Petrucci is a Christian with a Catholic background
You do realize Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity?
Never heard anything about Portnoy or Rudess being Christian, and Labrie may no longer be one from what I've read.

Apparently, cows like jazz. Or at least, these ones do.

I wonder if there are bovine metalheads out there as well?
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Well, this is probably the worst way to judge this, but the rather strong language in their studio vids on Youtube makes me unsure if that's entirely true. I know that I'm in no position to judge whether a person is a Christian or not, but when I first saw 'em got the impression. However, if you say so...

Indeed, they have very foul mouths. Doesn't really say much about their faith, which I believe is strongly implied in some of their songs. They may not be Christians as we know the term, but they believe in God and Jesus and who they are. Mangini at least is a Christian and always (his own words) puts God before playing music.

>Portnoy and Rudess had Jewish backgrounds, but I think they're Christians as well.
Nope. I don't think change that easily and I've never seen anything to prove this, but then again I could be wrong, I haven't actually done any research past the initial realization.

>Petrucci is a Christian with a Catholic background
You do realize Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity?

Jordan Rudess once released a Christmas CD featuring all Christian (not Jewish) Christmas songs, and Mike Portnoy performed drums for a couple of concept albums by Neal Morse about his (Morse's) conversion to Christianity. Just a couple of implying examples.

Also, about Catholicism... that is debatable. I don't want to get into a debate about that. Maybe another time.
Indeed, they have very foul mouths. Doesn't really say much about their faith, which I believe is strongly implied in some of their songs. They may not be Christians as we know the term, but they believe in God and Jesus and who they are. Mangini at least is a Christian and always (his own words) puts God before playing music.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, I guess I just don't know the band well enough.:)
I again and again listen to songs of an amazing album I recently got - it even beats Atwb (which I got in the same delivery) as for rotations :eek:

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Technically "Catholic" means universal. :P

I'm not opposed to Catholicism - I'm opposed to any doctrine that preaches "saved by works," but I know plenty of cool Catholics.

Yeah, I agree.

And you know, why would a christian drummer, like dorky portnoy, go and join Avenged Sevenfold????? Cuz they're soooooo christian......
Moderator note: don't let this thread slide into a Christian denomination debate. Nothing good ever comes from informing fellow Christians that they are not Christian, so let's not go there.

Back on-topic for the thread:

I had to drive to Fargo and back this last weekend (about 7 hours round-trip). My trip soundtrack:

Theocracy - As The World Bleeds x2 (once each direction)
Sabaton - Art of War
Echoterra - Land of the Midnight Sun
Led Zeppelin - IV
Kix - Blow My Fuse
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
Soulspell - A Legacy of Honor
Last night I listened to Avantasia's Metal Opera Pt. II for the first time in ages. HOLY CRAP. I think that I always kind of underrated the album because The Seven Angels overshadows everything else. But listening last night, I realized that every single track on that album has a chorus that could kill a rhino. Seriously, listen to the album straight through again and see if you aren't still singing it in a week...
After reading this, and Matt's Avantasia-heavy "top power metal choruses" list, I think it's time I get me some Avantasia! I can't believe I haven't heard any of it all these years, especially since everyone in the genre seems to love it.
Avantasia? What's that?

*seriously doesn't know*

It is a "metal opera" project put together by Tobias Sammett of Edguy. The first two albums, Metal Opera I and Metal Opera II, feature most of the biggest voices in power metal, each playing a role in the story. They are extraordinarily well-written and, if you are a power metal fan, they are instant must-buys.

I haven't really listened to the later albums under the "Avantasia" moniker.

From what I can remember off the top of my head, though, Metal Opera I & II feature Sammet, Rob Rock, Michael Kiske, Andre Matos, Kai Hansen, Sharon den Adel, and several other vocalists I can't remember. Just a fantastic accomplishment.