the "what are you currently listening to" thread

^Probably my favorite film score of all time. All 3 of them are fantastic.

Not currently listening to anything but about to listen to Oh, Sleeper's Titan EP.
Worldview. Looking forward to when this hits the streets.

Two wonders sounds pretty catchy, hope to hear more soon.
The 'O' in their logo reminded me of

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YUI - Rolling Star

Excellent Japanese pop-rock artist. Can't get her full discography without importing, but she does have a couple of compilation albums available in the U.S. Definitely worth looking into if you're not adverse to pop music and don't mind lyrics in Japanese . :)

Silly me, I didn't know the new Icon For Hire album was out until today. Good stuff. Not as good as Scripted, at least not at first listen, but lots of fun.

Liking that Sleeping Romance song. I'll be looking forward to the album release. Can't say I hear much of a similarity to Scandinavian Metal Praise though.

I'd say BC&SL and A Dramatic Turn Of Events rank 2 and 3. I haven't heard anyone else rank those two as high as I do so my opinion on that is probably pretty null.
ADTOE and BC&SL are my #3 and #4 Dream Theater albums, respectively. BC&SL is criminally underrated in my opinion.
ADTOE and BC&SL are my #3 and #4 Dream Theater albums, respectively. BC&SL is criminally underrated in my opinion.

It depends who you talk to. Critically, BC&SL was pretty widely acclaimed. I think it's a great album by them.

Here are one extremely positive review:

I know some fans that were disappointed with it though, and in that regard I agree it was underrated by a lot of fans.
I pre-ordered this CD, but for some strange reason I never listened to all of it. Just the first few seconds of most the songs. But I let it play the other day while on my Xbox, and this song really stuck with me after it got to 1:23. Was like dayum this is awesome! lol

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Never heard of these dudes before. Heard about 3 songs from this album the other day, then bought it, lol.. Looking forward to getting that CD in the mail so I can put it on my Xbox, and phone.

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It's hard for me not to judge people sometimes.

lol. Why? Cause of the bands I like? Cause I want to burn a CD to my Xbox and Rip the audio to put it on my phone?. I'm havin a hard time understandin what your tryin to say. Quit bein a pussy and speak up if you got something to say instead of bein all subliminal and beatin round the bush lol.
I don't get it either, Rawshik. Is it about his choice in metalcore? You've got Oh, Sleeper as your profile picture..why the hate, buddy <3
Oh, Sleeper is infinitely greater than all the other generic metalcore out there and are the only generic metalcore band worth listening to.

I said it's hard for me not to judge people sometimes. Like, listen to what you want, I don't care (or rather, I TRY not to care). But if you come in here and only talk about how great the worst christcore bands (breakdown and cheesy lyric intensive) are, then it's definitely going to be in the back of my mind that you're a "jock metalhead" who gets "pumped" from his bad music taste. The snapback, lipring, and listening to music on your xbox/phone all fit well into this category.
I'm not a fan of metalcore, but even if I were it'd be kind of hard to take that rant seriously with you posting Jay Kay immediately after it ~~<3

I don't think Jacob was fueling any stereotypes, the dude just wrote what he likes to do, and you came off as insanely rude. On a different note, I don't think he needs me to fight any battles for him, but I just wanted to respond with a link of WATG

The band doesn't seem bad at all, I don't see why you would dislike their particular brand of 'generic metalcore'.

Could you suggest some Oh, Sleeper songs while this topic's at hand? Maybe your top 3 or something in those lines, just so I can get a taste of them.
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