Poor you, EH is pretty intresting, well at least I think so. (But then again I AM European so...)
But I found a way how to help Henkka. Let's make pancakes for him so he has enough energy to study:Smokin:
what whith them "still being married for legal reasons"-bleah!!!
Well, it's all written in Japanese and I guess that puking story was the most exciting stuff from it. I was only told about that stuff and I think the rest is about her private life, kinda like her diary.
Remember, this is a Sinergy thread. Thanks.
How about catching Allu and Roope on one of the rare breaks they have from COB; then see if the rhythm section has time too -if not, find a good drummer and ME (Yep, I play bass and I would definitely be more dedicated than Melanie, and have some more time than Marco or Lauri...but I disgress.). Then invite everyone over for some yummy pancakes -and put some stimulants in Kimberly's ones!