The "What's Going On in this Album Cover?" Thread



I actually think I know what's going on but it looks cool :3 It looks like waves with skulls and shit hitting an erupting volcano or something...

...WHILE HELLFIRE FALLS FROM THE SKY! [DragonForce allusion]

The album has to do with humanity as a race of fools, mindlessly bestowing it's own tasks upon machines. The eventual result being humanity's enslavement by the machines. The album cover seems to indicate humanity's ignorance by showing them holed up in their massive structures/castles removed from the fate that is soon to fall upon them.
Not really bro.

What's it mean then? I swear I read something that said that Om is the Romanian word for man.

Edit: Using an online English to Romanian translator it said that the Romanian word for Man was, indeed, Om.

Okay, so I know I dig (excuse the almost pun) this out for every vaguely album cover related thread and I can see that it as a roboduck flexing his bicep, but still, what the fuck is going on?

looks like guts and broken glass but what is supposed to be happening here.

I'm pretty sure the Darkmoon one is meant to be a crosshair, presumably from a gun or crossbow, focused on the head of Jesus, presumably with the intent of pulling said trigger and shooting said Jesus in the head at some point in the near future. The bullet/penis design sketch on the right side would support this claim. Having said this, the Jesus does look rather like a statue, but still the message remains clear. They don't like Jesus, so they're going to shoot him, real or not... seems a tad extreme to be honest.
i knew about the crosshair and the bullet and figured someone was gettin shot but couldnt tell who, looks like their head exploded
The album has to do with humanity as a race of fools, mindlessly bestowing it's own tasks upon machines. The eventual result being humanity's enslavement by the machines. The album cover seems to indicate humanity's ignorance by showing them holed up in their massive structures/castles removed from the fate that is soon to fall upon them.

Lol that's a more eloquent explanation than I was going to give:

"It's a big fucking castle on wheels! Can't you see that?!"
edit: and that is precisely why the noise artist/surrealistic writer finds it 'Ridiculously cool'.

I never claimed to be a surrealistic writer, EVER. I make noise, and like writing random meaningless bullshit sometimes. Random hostility?