The what's going on in Thrash thread

We used to change mouse buttons around on people when I worked in IT, you to make for some great fun on the office!
They are still talking about it on FB and there is no news other than David has finished the soundtrack
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Well he's in charge of the soundtrack so that's their first mistake :)
Although I do notice that on ads for Jnr's own appearances (i.e not with Lucid) the "former member of Megadeth" (including the logo) is very prominent now. Up until recently the name was usually in smaller writing and often not in the logo. Not sure if something has changed.
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Lol. Yeah. I hope it's not true but I feel like it is.
Hmm that's strange. I wonder what the reasoning there is? Any publicity is good type of thing because Megadeth is a big name?
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I think he'll be hung drawn and quartered if he fucks it up too badly, as in adds songs from the Lucid, or that sound like the Lucid.
Yeah I wondered if maybe him and Dave have found a truce of some kind. Maybe the mystery bass player for the album that should have come out last month but isn't even on the damn radar is closer to home than we thought and there is more than a truce :)
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Fucking HA! Jnr re recorded his own bass parts?!! That's brilliant.
Oh yeah. I won't have an compunction about letting my displeasure be known on their channel. Actually, I've already been doing that.
That would be a good if this thing blew over and he got back in Megadeth. but I'm holding my breath.
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I'd love to see that happen, it would make all those fuckwits who claimed Jnr was utter filth and deserved to be sacked look like dickheads.

As much as I hate to say it I think Megadeth are on the way out without him. I'm not suggesting he is the only thing that can save Megadeth but if this album tanks, I can't see all of those die hard fans staying with Megadeth enough to beg for another album, not when it's been so long between these last two. If Jnr came back they might get another 2 albums before the same thing happened.
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Man. I really really need to proof read my stuff more lol.

Yeah it'd be great for them to all eat some crow. Rancid rancid crow.

I agree. If this album isn't spectacular it's mostly likely gonna be the end for me and my support of all things Mustaine.
It was hard enough the first time without Jnr there for me. And this is an even more bullshit situation. Mustaine is a legend.
But that will only carry you so far. I'm not in it for the Mustaine show.
Why start now? :)

But we aren;t vindictive :)

Yeah and I'm not really sold on Dirk and Kiko either, sure they might both be good players and I don't dislike what they have done in the band but I could just as easily not follow anything they do.
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Fucking schools!
The kids have only been back 4, maybe 5 weeks, the high school has already had one student free day, a sports day and an excursion and today they tell us the kids have a day off next Thursday for parent teacher interviews. Pretty much a waste of time given the kids have barely gotten to know their new teachers, but still it's not a bad idea to touch base early. Except now because of covid they are only doing half as many face to face interviews and you need to book your slot, bear in mind that all covid rules have been dropped here now. The times they offer are shit, but there is all the haste around it, and apologies that they took so long to organise it etc etc, yet the booking system is ONLY showing appointments for last year. I suppose the good thing is I have lots of choice to book in an appointment for 2pm on the 3rd of September 2021, but getting there is going to be a bitch!
Why start now? :)

But we aren;t vindictive :)

Yeah and I'm not really sold on Dirk and Kiko either, sure they might both be good players and I don't dislike what they have done in the band but I could just as easily not follow anything they do.
Lol, the sad thing is that I usually.


Yeah I'm kinda with you. Some of it might be due to the fact that they have been very in the press, especially Kiko. BW posts a lot of him. But they have only done one and none albums so far. It's been years of them simply because of getting into Megadeth.Which hasn't done jack.They are from other bands. But I don't think they'd be getting the attention they do if not for their current gig.
But also they just don't really do it for me. they could stay, they could leave and I wouldn't really care. That may change if the album is killer though.
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Fucking schools!
The kids have only been back 4, maybe 5 weeks, the high school has already had one student free day, a sports day and an excursion and today they tell us the kids have a day off next Thursday for parent teacher interviews. Pretty much a waste of time given the kids have barely gotten to know their new teachers, but still it's not a bad idea to touch base early. Except now because of covid they are only doing half as many face to face interviews and you need to book your slot, bear in mind that all covid rules have been dropped here now. The times they offer are shit, but there is all the haste around it, and apologies that they took so long to organise it etc etc, yet the booking system is ONLY showing appointments for last year. I suppose the good thing is I have lots of choice to book in an appointment for 2pm on the 3rd of September 2021, but getting there is going to be a bitch!
Lol. Man. I wouldn't be able to handle any of that! Salute!
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Lol, the sad thing is that I usually.


Yeah I'm kinda with you. Some of it might be due to the fact that they have been very in the press, especially Kiko. BW posts a lot of him. But they have only done one and none albums so far. It's been years of them simply because of getting into Megadeth.Which hasn't done jack.They are from other bands. But I don't think they'd be getting the attention they do if not for their current gig.
But also they just don't really do it for me. they could stay, they could leave and I wouldn't really care. That may change if the album is killer though.

I do most of the time and I should be ashamed at some of the things I don't see, but I should be more ashamed at how shitty my tyoing has become!

Dirk seems to be into black metal, so that kind of rules me out from being a fan anyway, although I did just look at his name on MA and they claim he's been in 41 bands!!! I didn't mind Kiko's work in Angra, but Angra were more power metal and as such they had more songs that seemed to drag on making it harder to listen too. I kind of feel sorry for them both given how long they have put up with Megadeth for so little output, but they are no doubt being paid and it appears Dave doesn't stop them from outside work.
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Lol. Man. I wouldn't be able to handle any of that! Salute!

There is fuck all I can do about it really. Apparently abusing people is not the right thing to do, and throwing rocks at their head is frowned upon even more :)
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I do most of the time and I should be ashamed at some of the things I don't see, but I should be more ashamed at how shitty my tyoing has become!

Dirk seems to be into black metal, so that kind of rules me out from being a fan anyway, although I did just look at his name on MA and they claim he's been in 41 bands!!! I didn't mind Kiko's work in Angra, but Angra were more power metal and as such they had more songs that seemed to drag on making it harder to listen too. I kind of feel sorry for them both given how long they have put up with Megadeth for so little output, but they are no doubt being paid and it appears Dave doesn't stop them from outside work.
Man! I'm really distracted! I don't even know what I meant by: "Lol, the sad thing is that I usually." In my defense I'm playing Red Dead online.
Holy shit! 41 bands? How many of those are quarantine bands? Do you really think they're getting paid? I thought that was a big complaint was that people had to go without money if the band wasn't touring. I figured that's why they were doing so many outside projects.
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Man! I'm really distracted! I don't even know what I meant by: "Lol, the sad thing is that I usually." In my defense I'm playing Red Dead online.
Holy shit! 41 bands? How many of those are quarantine bands? Do you really think they're getting paid? I thought that was a big complaint was that people had to go without money if the band wasn't touring. I figured that's why they were doing so many outside projects.

I read it as that you usually do check, but now I understand your playing a game and you are checking anything :p

Make up your own mind about Dirks bands :p
It will be past and present and he may have only been in the band for 5 minutes

Abyssal Vortex, Akroma, Bent Sea, Brave the Cold, Cadaver, Freya, Geoda, Hespera, Metal Against Coronavirus, Phaze I, Pulse of Nebulae, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Tronos, Vetur, Withered Moon, Devin Townsend (live), ex-Anaon, ex-Nuclear Blast Allstars, ex-Scarve, Blood from the Soul, Kill Division, ex-Aborted, ex-Anatomy of I, ex-Headline, ex-Mortuary, ex-Powermad, ex-Soilwork, ex-Taliandörögd, ex-At the Gates (live), ex-Jeff Loomis (live), ex-Satyricon (live), ex-Testament (live), ex-Yyrkoon (live), ex-Lyzanxia, ex-7th Circle, ex-Artsonic, ex-Devin Townsend Project, ex-Solium Fatalis, ex-Warrel Dane, ex-Phazm, ex-One-Way Mirror, ex-Stenval
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