The what's going on in Thrash thread

We never got it here so what I know of it was limited to magazines and the like, but while the bands often seemed good it just seemed like an ad for MTV, or was the the Concrete something? I remember some other show/event being called Concrete something.
I only vaguely remember something called concrete. I don't even remember what kind of show it was.
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HAPPY 57th Eric AK! :headbang::kickass:

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Read a post on FB that the Cavalera brothers, Max and Igor, are doing a tribute tour to the old Sepultura albums Arise and Beneath the Remains. I wonder who they will get to play lead guitar since Max has never had the chops to play those leads and he has burned the bridge with Marc Rizzo and Andreas Kisser.
Yeah I read something similar. As much as I don't really like new Sepultura I really don't see much point for Max and Igor to push a thing like this either. To me if the whole band, or at least a good portion of them, aren't involved this is little more than Cavelera Conspiracy playing Sepultura, which I'm sure they already do on stage.

Nice work by Blabber here. The interview happened in Sept '21 and they are talking about a concert in July '21. Amazing efficiency.

Mind you there are some stand outs here. Scott and Frankie look like fools. The interviewers voice sounds like a cat having an orgasm. And as much as Blabber commentors have their own way of complaining they do kind of echo our conversations about tired old set lists and the same songs. I wonder if anyone at Anthrax reads their own press?
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Lol, I saw that. Talk about not having your finger on the pulse. And what is with the hipster glasses? Seems like almost every old school guy (and then some) is wearing them. Off the top of my head I can think of these two chucklers, Chuck, Gary, Rob Dukes, Zetro....there's a few more but I can't think of them.
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