The what's going on in Thrash thread

I should look into that. Itunes really is complete shit. Something like this should be simple. They just suck.

There is bound to be more options out there these days because no one seems to like iTunes. I know Apple use propriety shit, but I would have thought the tech world would have gotten the shits up with such a hard to manipulate software package by now.
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So like a low rent Eddie Trunk lol.

I can't even say that for sure. He looks a bit like a fat Adam Saviage from Mythbusters, but apart from shows like Conan and Lights Out With David Spade, which I only know of by name, I don't even recognise anything IMDB says he's been in. I don't know if I don't know him because I'm not American and maybe he's some noted comedian over there or something, but nothing about the guy rings any bells with me, however if I never hear that voice again it will be too soon! :)
I remember using iTunes and hated it with a passion. I tried to use iTunes for a while but it gave me the shits so hunted down a freeware program, that allowed me to copy files to my iPod, it basically made it so copying files was similar to doing it from a hard drive to a USB drive, which is all it should be. it wasn't perfect and didn't do everything iTunes did but it was the only way I could stomach iTunes. I was glad when I gave up i devices and went back to anything from a $20 mp3 player to SD cards and the like that fit into devices.

I tried iTunes over a decade ago and it was such a pain trying to get to import the mp3s from my PC. Ended up buying a cheap Microsoft Zune and I still use it as my media player in 2022! :kickass: Microsoft missed a huge opportunity with Zune, it should have been bigger than Spotify.
I did want a PS5. But I'm over it. They took too long. It's still too hard to get. Fuck'em
I feel this. :kickass: I was a huge gamer from 2008-2013 until I went back to grad school. My wife bought me a ps4 as a graduation gift and I felt so out of touch with gaming. Playing on the play station network cost money and games like fort nite made me question what happened to the hobby.

I want to buy a ps3 and replay some old favourites like God of War, Fall Out New Vegas, and Red Dead Redemption.
Yeah? Okay. Just as soon as the Itunes crap is done. I'm in the game multiple times a day. Yeah It's pretty big. I have a lot of shit on there. I'm always getting that warning lol. So much stuff stored that I can't fit.

I did want a PS5. But I'm over it. They took too long. It's still too hard to get. Fuck'em. It was rushed out anyway. They still hadn't fully used the 4 to it's potential. I suppose I will get one. But I'm in no rush anymore.

I think you'll recognize my invite lol.

Nice springfield! I see you took advantage of the Wailing Wall Glitch! Mine needs some looks like my city planner is one of the drunks from Moes.
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I tried iTunes over a decade ago and it was such a pain trying to get to import the mp3s from my PC. Ended up buying a cheap Microsoft Zune and I still use it as my media player in 2022! :kickass: Microsoft missed a huge opportunity with Zune, it should have been bigger than Spotify.

I don't use a portable music player often but when I do it's a $20 MP3 player off fleabay. My phone has a memory card half full of music too but I don't often use that either. I think the entire portable sound market is a pile of horse shit dressed in neat plastic boxes and the prices are unjustified.
I feel this. :kickass: I was a huge gamer from 2008-2013 until I went back to grad school. My wife bought me a ps4 as a graduation gift and I felt so out of touch with gaming. Playing on the play station network cost money and games like fort nite made me question what happened to the hobby.

I want to buy a ps3 and replay some old favourites like God of War, Fall Out New Vegas, and Red Dead Redemption.

We've got two PS3's here, one of them is a game themed one, might be Final Fantasy I don't really know, but the kids gave them up for the Switches and my wife wont part with them.
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I don't use a portable music player often but when I do it's a $20 MP3 player off fleabay. My phone has a memory card half full of music too but I don't often use that either. I think the entire portable sound market is a pile of horse shit dressed in neat plastic boxes and the prices are unjustified.

I still run Zune on an old laptop. It is great.
I use Winamp and have done since I was making winamp skins for bands back in the 90's.

I don't care what band wagon people jump on when it comes to different software, 90% of users use what they are comfortable with and they get comfortable with it because they were able to use it. Most of it does the same things just in a different way and change is something most people really need incentive to do.

Hardware on the other hand is a complete joke, the companies making them are a joke, and most people who go on about one item being better quality than another generally have no idea what they are comparing. All those idiots that had to have Beats by Dr Dre, because of the name still don't buy the fact that they are made with less than $20 of parts no better than Walmart specials. Those who still stand by one hardware manufacturer because the sound quality is better, generally have no idea where the chips inside making the sound are actually produced.
There is bound to be more options out there these days because no one seems to like iTunes. I know Apple use propriety shit, but I would have thought the tech world would have gotten the shits up with such a hard to manipulate software package by now.
So far the other ones like Microsoft's Groove Music and something else that I can't remember are somehow even worse. They can't get half the artwork. It's beyond stupid.
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I feel this. :kickass: I was a huge gamer from 2008-2013 until I went back to grad school. My wife bought me a ps4 as a graduation gift and I felt so out of touch with gaming. Playing on the play station network cost money and games like fort nite made me question what happened to the hobby.

I want to buy a ps3 and replay some old favorites like God of War, Fall Out New Vegas, and Red Dead Redemption.
Yeah one of my friends and I were just talking about how much better the PS3 was. Better games and I never had a problem with space. I can only fit 3 normal sized games and one small retro game on the 4. I'm just constantly having to delete and reinstall games. It's a huge pain. Red Dead2 on the 4 is gorgeous though. Fortnight is lame. And yeah being charged to play online sucks. Especially when there really is no added benefit compared to the 3. All I can fit right now is Red Dead 2 Mortal Kombat 11 that Sonic Racing and something else I can't remember lol.
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Nice springfield! I see you took advantage of the Wailing Wall Glitch! Mine needs some looks like my city planner is one of the drunks from Moes.
Haha! Thanks! I've got little sections all themed in sections. But I like yours because it isn't! Oh yeah! I bought a lot of those things. They really fucked that up! I've got more donuts and money than I know what to do with! But I still get pissed when I lose connection and get robbed of my sky finger donuts. To quote The Simpsons. I trade it all in for just a little more :tickled:
So far the other ones like Microsoft's Groove Music and something else that I can't remember are somehow even worse. They can't get half the artwork. It's beyond stupid.

The first thing I do with downloaded songs is remove the covers and unimportant meta data like writers and year of release etc. With a lot of files the data saved by doing it is substantial and it's not like I need a picture to tell me what I'm listening too.
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Wow, your kids quit the 3 for the Switch? That's impressive! I'm with your wife! Never get rid of those things!

Kids today don't want to sit in front of the TV, they want to move around, play in their rooms, or do anything but sit in one place. Even when they sit in one place and play the Switch it's better than playing a machine that can't move. Although they are playing some dancing game on the TV a lot lately.
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Never been into the tech details but what happened to the game sizes between PS3 and PS4? I do remember load screen wait times on PS3 got to be an issue with open world games like Skyrim.
I really don't what happened. We were playing one of the Call Of Duty games and it became 200 gigs! And every time they had an update it would say not enough space to download even if you had triple the space of the update. So every time I would have to delete like 2 games for a 15 gig download for no reason. Because once you downloaded it you could re download what you had to delete with no problems. It got so frustrating we just stopped playing it. Gta is massive ,Red Dead 2 is massive. I don't know what happened but it's stupid.
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The first thing I do with downloaded songs is remove the covers and unimportant meta data like writers and year of release etc. With a lot of files the data saved by doing it is substantial and it's not like I need a picture to tell me what I'm listening too.
Yeah that's a point. But I do like seeing them all. It's probably screwing me over.
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I really don't what happened. We were playing one of the Call Of Duty games and it became 200 gigs! And every time they had an update it would say not enough space to download even if you had triple the space of the update. So every time I would have to delete like 2 games for a 15 gig download for no reason. Because once you downloaded it you could re download what you had to delete with no problems. It got so frustrating we just stopped playing it. Gta is massive ,Red Dead 2 is massive. I don't know what happened but it's stupid.

It's one of the reasons I've always preferred PC games, not that I play them often now but PC updates are generally smaller for the same sort of update. They have grown in the last 15 years or so, I know when I was heavily into Truck Sim the updates were capped at about 600 Meg, however by about 2010 the companies making the software and the DLC's had worked out it was easier for them to increase download packages to between 5 and 10 gig because it not only allowed more flexibility and more updates in one package, but it also meant they had less end users errors where updates affected parts of the game that weren't included in the update. If they updated the larger package, they could weed through the majority of the bugs before it got to users.

It's a bit backward when you consider that most PC's will have more than enough room to download a hundred games of 200gigs without being told they are short of space, yet the console with the smaller storage limit needs the bigger update to do the same things. I've noticed quite a few bigger named games, first person shooters and the like, on the Switch are pushing 25-30gig for the initial download which is a massive download for a hand held device that only has 32gig internal storage of it's own.
Yeah that's a point. But I do like seeing them all. It's probably screwing me over.

I don't look at the screen when they are playing. If it's on my computer Winamp is running in the background, if it's on my phone that's usually in my pocket, or if it's on my MP3 player, well the screen on that is fucked anyway so I can barely see the titles no point seeing a picture.

I'm obviously not an audiophile who thinks he can tell perfect sound and pitch, must have thousands of dollars of speakers and million dollar air gapped cable with gold plated plugs (shoot me if I ever become one). I'm also not someone who thinks I have to have everything in FLAC format because 'it's better', or everything has to be saved at 320kbps because my super sensitive ears can tell the difference between 320 and 256 and 192. Good luck to people who think they can but I'm fairly confident in suggesting most people who do claim to have hearing that good don't. There are times when I want to listen to music on my stereo, through reasonable quality speakers and a surround sound amp, but for the most part my music on when I'm working in the office, working outside, relaxing or just doing nothing and the supposedly quality that audiophiles pay for, even if it is an improvement, would be wasted.