The what's going on in Thrash thread

I was really hoping we'd get that new Megadeth song last week. :mad:

Don't rush Dave.
Oh sorry, it's the label's fault, they are dragging their heels.
It might not be the right climate to release a new single.
It's got to be closer to the tour of the year.
The label is still waiting on the artwork

(pick your reason)
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Don't rush Dave.
Oh sorry, it's the label's fault, they are dragging their heels.
It might not be the right climate to release a new single.
It's got to be closer to the tour of the year.
The label is still waiting on the artwork

(pick your reason)
Hahaha. Yup. I'm surprised Steve isn't being interviewed about this since it was announced he played on it. I'd like to know if he was offered the job and turned it down or what?
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It's a bit hard to tell from the footage but Dave and his cover band sound okay :)
The set list is a bit average for a band with such a good catalogue, and the stage looks to well ordered for a thrash gig :)

Almost sounds like a backing tape starts this song :yow:

More videos in the link but this will be enough to slow the forum down :)

I think Trust always starts with a backing track. They should ditch that song and She Wolf. I do like Dread And The Fugitive Mind. But it needs to be sped up to be really good.
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Hahaha. Yup. I'm surprised Steve isn't being interviewed about this since it was announced he played on it. I'd like to know if he was offered the job and turned it down or what?

Steve wants to play more than 10 songs a night :)
(although I say that not knowing how many songs Testament play on the Bay Strikes Back tour)
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I would imagine it's better pay lol. I'm surprised Randy is in a band with anti vaxxers.

Yeah I had no idea they were anti-vaxx, but then I don't really keep up with LOG anyway.

Given how few gigs Vio-lence seems to play Phil probably does get paid more filling in. But I wonder if it was on a gig for gig basis how that would pan out. You'd have to assume a band like Overkill, and especially LOG on the Tour Of The Year, would make more money than Vio-lence at any gig, but Phil would surely have to be equal partner in Vio-lence gigs.
I think Trust always starts with a backing track. They should ditch that song and She Wolf. I do like Dread And The Fugitive Mind. But it needs to be sped up to be really good.

I'd like to hear a pro recording of the show because it does sound pretty good. Sure you can hear Dave's not what he used to be but he sounds pretty darn good for a guy who has been through throat cancer. The music does sound a bit clinical but the stage show does look pretty good.

One of the commentors suggests that in a recent interview Lamenzo suggested they weren't doing classic hits they were doing songs Dave can sing. That does make sense from Dave's point of view even if it does make the set list seem a little boring. With hope he can work on it and futures tours start to see a broader set list.

The backing tape comment was aimed at Peace Sells. Dave doesn't reach the mic until the second line, but I swear I hear the first line, maybe it's in my head.
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Looks like the Nick Menza auction has not long ago started. There is about 20 books/itineraries from various tours and the suede vest he wore during the Youthanasia photo shoots.

The vest is signed by both Dave's and currently at $300
(but it has been worn by Jnr so take into account it might have Jnr BO on it)

There is 20 tour/Itinerary books (the books they get before the tour telling them where they will stay, play etc), they are all at $100 at the moment. It looks like three of them are signed with Nick's actual name and one has his initials which the site claims are genuine. They are all listed as rare or extremely rare, which I guess most people could say about their holiday itineraries. One or two even say authentic, although I'm not sure if that indicates that the rest aren't authentic.
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Okay so I thought I might have been a bit harsh to the new Destruction album, even though I rate it higher than many of the reviewers on the net have, so I decided to give it another go and note down my impressions. I don't go to this detail often so the band should feel warm and fuzzy inside that I bothered to do it for them!!

Under The Spell: It's an intro adds little to nothing as many other intros don't.
Diabolical: Fast, thrashy, cool solo, the vocals work well and this could so easily have been the album opener.
No Faith In Humanity: Thrashy and fast again, solos okay, but there is some sort of reverb on the harsher lyrics that sound a bit iffy.
Repent Your Sins: A little bit less thrashy but some nice rhythm guitar in there and now the vocals sound like a weird mix between angry talking and trying too hard.
Hope Dies Last: Some interesting double kick and speedy guitar. But every line after Hope Dies Last in the first two choruses seem to have a hang on each word like he's trying to make the line last an extra second or so. it's not in any other part of the song.
The Last Of A Dying Breed: The opening vocals sound like he's trying to be a German Cookie Monster, then he tries to do a Halford scream but realises he can't so it's cut short. Once that's over the song actually moves forward, the vocals improve and like the others it contains some good thrash.
State Of Apathy: Starts off with a real scream that should have been in the previous song. The song is pretty fast and it does sound alright, then it goes into that weird voice thing where it's a mix of a growl and a high pitched voice. It's kind of like they invented ThrashMetalCore.
Tormented Soul: Not a terrible song but also nothing that great about it.
Servant Of The Beast: Nice soloing, fast and thrashy however while it's not the best song on the album at least the vocals are constant, there is no weird elongation of words, there's no spitting of words, it's all angry and forceful.
The Lonely Wolf: Thrash by numbers again, not bad although it does seem a bit repetitive.
Ghost From The Past: A bit faster, a bit thrashier, good soloing, the vocals here even sound reasonable. He's changing a bit between the angry old man and the growly (not death growls), but it works because there is no weird hanging on words or effects.
Whorefication: Like so many bands Destruction want to have a go at social media stars and the like, which is fair enough. Whether the song is aimed at someone specific I don't know, but the lyrics aren't very in depth. It's a little slower, the drums are still pounding and there is some good soloing, even even a bit melodic in parts.
City Baby Attacked By Rats: Interesting title, this one is a two line rhyming poem followed by a chorus, but it does pick up the speed a bit. The lyrics don't really work for me, but the way he's singing is the way he should sing all his songs.

Overall this is a bit of a thrash by numbers album. I don't think it sucks at all but I do find it difficult to get into given the chopping and changing vocals. It's obviously not metal core but that's what it sounds like they are trying to emulate, but the singer can't pull it off and the music doesn't warrant it. Like most German albums the English lyrics are kind of simplistic, but Destruction do take that further than others because their writing style seems to be very poem orientated with little thought other than to make words at the end of the lines rhyme. It's been a while since I listened to a Destruction album, and I did cop a bit of flack for not rating them in the order certain others thought they should be during the poll thread, but I don't hate the band. What I do hate is the vocal style changes, the guy can really sing thrash, but he needs to keep his style through the song, even if he changes tones and he needs to stop holding notes, or adding effects to his voice.
Yeah I had no idea they were anti-vaxx, but then I don't really keep up with LOG anyway.

Given how few gigs Vio-lence seems to play Phil probably does get paid more filling in. But I wonder if it was on a gig for gig basis how that would pan out. You'd have to assume a band like Overkill, and especially LOG on the Tour Of The Year, would make more money than Vio-lence at any gig, but Phil would surely have to be equal partner in Vio-lence gigs.
I didn't know they were. But considering what part of the country they're from I'm not shocked.

I'll bet it would still be more money away from Vio-Lence. and will continue you to be if they aren't going to really go all in.
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I'd like to hear a pro recording of the show because it does sound pretty good. Sure you can hear Dave's not what he used to be but he sounds pretty darn good for a guy who has been through throat cancer. The music does sound a bit clinical but the stage show does look pretty good.

One of the commentors suggests that in a recent interview Lamenzo suggested they weren't doing classic hits they were doing songs Dave can sing. That does make sense from Dave's point of view even if it does make the set list seem a little boring. With hope he can work on it and futures tours start to see a broader set list.

The backing tape comment was aimed at Peace Sells. Dave doesn't reach the mic until the second line, but I swear I hear the first line, maybe it's in my head.
Yeah I read that in his interview..whenever that was. It does make sense and I guess also the shorter setlist. I wonder how long it will take him to get back up to snuff.

Oh ok. I'll have watch it again to pay more attention to it.
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Okay so I thought I might have been a bit harsh to the new Destruction album, even though I rate it higher than many of the reviewers on the net have, so I decided to give it another go and note down my impressions. I don't go to this detail often so the band should feel warm and fuzzy inside that I bothered to do it for them!!

Under The Spell: It's an intro adds little to nothing as many other intros don't.
Diabolical: Fast, thrashy, cool solo, the vocals work well and this could so easily have been the album opener.
No Faith In Humanity: Thrashy and fast again, solos okay, but there is some sort of reverb on the harsher lyrics that sound a bit iffy.
Repent Your Sins: A little bit less thrashy but some nice rhythm guitar in there and now the vocals sound like a weird mix between angry talking and trying too hard.
Hope Dies Last: Some interesting double kick and speedy guitar. But every line after Hope Dies Last in the first two choruses seem to have a hang on each word like he's trying to make the line last an extra second or so. it's not in any other part of the song.
The Last Of A Dying Breed: The opening vocals sound like he's trying to be a German Cookie Monster, then he tries to do a Halford scream but realises he can't so it's cut short. Once that's over the song actually moves forward, the vocals improve and like the others it contains some good thrash.
State Of Apathy: Starts off with a real scream that should have been in the previous song. The song is pretty fast and it does sound alright, then it goes into that weird voice thing where it's a mix of a growl and a high pitched voice. It's kind of like they invented ThrashMetalCore.
Tormented Soul: Not a terrible song but also nothing that great about it.
Servant Of The Beast: Nice soloing, fast and thrashy however while it's not the best song on the album at least the vocals are constant, there is no weird elongation of words, there's no spitting of words, it's all angry and forceful.
The Lonely Wolf: Thrash by numbers again, not bad although it does seem a bit repetitive.
Ghost From The Past: A bit faster, a bit thrashier, good soloing, the vocals here even sound reasonable. He's changing a bit between the angry old man and the growly (not death growls), but it works because there is no weird hanging on words or effects.
Whorefication: Like so many bands Destruction want to have a go at social media stars and the like, which is fair enough. Whether the song is aimed at someone specific I don't know, but the lyrics aren't very in depth. It's a little slower, the drums are still pounding and there is some good soloing, even even a bit melodic in parts.
City Baby Attacked By Rats: Interesting title, this one is a two line rhyming poem followed by a chorus, but it does pick up the speed a bit. The lyrics don't really work for me, but the way he's singing is the way he should sing all his songs.

Overall this is a bit of a thrash by numbers album. I don't think it sucks at all but I do find it difficult to get into given the chopping and changing vocals. It's obviously not metal core but that's what it sounds like they are trying to emulate, but the singer can't pull it off and the music doesn't warrant it. Like most German albums the English lyrics are kind of simplistic, but Destruction do take that further than others because their writing style seems to be very poem orientated with little thought other than to make words at the end of the lines rhyme. It's been a while since I listened to a Destruction album, and I did cop a bit of flack for not rating them in the order certain others thought they should be during the poll thread, but I don't hate the band. What I do hate is the vocal style changes, the guy can really sing thrash, but he needs to keep his style through the song, even if he changes tones and he needs to stop holding notes, or adding effects to his voice.
I have yet to hear it. But some good thoughts! I'm sure the band will appreciate it!