The what's going on in Thrash thread

He makes a point, going back to the original inspiration is always a good journey but I'm hardly surprised that he doesn't find inspiration in many newer bands.

It's good that he's listening to them and not hiding inside a bubble where only the past exists though because that would more than likely see him writing the same stuff all the time.
I also don't find much inspiration in newer bands lol
By on here, do you mean the Testament forum the Anthrax one or some other forum here?

Nah not in the specific forums, in the general threads. You can almost insert any band and someone hates them and has to tell everybody they are right and everyone else should agree with them. These days it plays out of forums back in the 80's and 90's it played out in magazines, if it wasn't bands fighting with each other it was fans swinging their dicks for their favourite bands.

I did make a comment in the MOD thread that I didn't like the new album as much as their earlier stuff and the butt hurt I got from one of the fans was hilarious.
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Right! I mean why does he even bother bringing up this stuff in the first place?

I understand that some reporters, deejays etc ask questions about topics that many people have forgotten about, some even do it because they haven't interviewed the person since the event happened but honestly some of these musos really need to learn how to not answer some questions.
Iced Earth is pretty solid band!Always loved that live in Athens release .

I agree, they aren't my favourite band but most of their stuff is really solid. I never really liked them when they first came out, took me ten years or so before I really listened to them but I'm glad I did eventually get into them.
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