The what's going on in Thrash thread

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If it's like all of Gene's other projects late 2018 will mean we'll see the new album in 2020.

I liked the Zimmers Hole stuff, not surprised to see the remastered stuff but last I heard Gene talk he wasn't thinking of a new album.
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You're right, it's the first time it's been mentioned it's unfair to jump to conclusions and Zimmers have released something more recently than DA have. I take it all back!
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That's another band I have a lot to catch up on. I'm loving The Death albums. It's cool to hear the evolution.
Unfortunately I have a real problem now because now a lot of stuff doesn't seem as heavy.
Especially starting with Human. Holy shit what an amazing album. Those drums are intense.
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Death did change a bit in the later years and probably lost some of their old school fans in doing so but there is still good stuff in what they produced.

MA as well, I prefer Vincent just like I prefer Altars of Madness if I'm going to put on a MA album, but it's hardly surprising because it's the MA album I've owned the longest. But none of that means I'm not looking forward to the new album. Even that fact that I haven't seen reputable(?) sites review the album less than 80% and that most of the negative reviews have come from people who claim to be fans wont deter me. I'll listen and I'll decided if I like it or not.
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Yeah there was a reason they were considered at the forefront of the death metal scene.

I agree, there is always a risk of buying a dud, even when you get to listen to a few tracks before it comes out but not everything can be brilliant. The thing that really shits me now days is the number of people who talk up a new album in the lead up to a band releasing it then after one listening they are saying it's the worst stuff the band has every released. Wouldn't be so bad if it only happened once in a while but it's not and more often than not it's the same people time and time again. Some people just seem to want to hate everything they get their hands on these days.
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