The what's going on in Thrash thread

Yeah there was a reason they were considered at the forefront of the death metal scene.

I agree, there is always a risk of buying a dud, even when you get to listen to a few tracks before it comes out but not everything can be brilliant. The thing that really shits me now days is the number of people who talk up a new album in the lead up to a band releasing it then after one listening they are saying it's the worst stuff the band has every released. Wouldn't be so bad if it only happened once in a while but it's not and more often than not it's the same people time and time again. Some people just seem to want to hate everything they get their hands on these days.
Yeah the attention span of people is almost non existent. I've found that with a few listens sometimes my least favorite song can become my favorite. Sometimes you gotta dig for the gold lol. But whatever they are only cheating themselves .
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Yeah the attention span of people is almost non existent. I've found that with a few listens sometimes my least favorite song can become my favorite. Sometimes you gotta dig for the gold lol. But whatever they are only cheating themselves .

That what makes Facebook so good for reviews, people are always ready to give everything such glowing reviews :)
Hahaha Spitz is busy on a mission from god...or gods.
Not sure how someone can be born again Christian And a Messianic Jew. Artists. :bah::rolleyes::tickled:

He is somewhat entertaining. I used to like the guy and his guitar work but I'm not sure I'd even buy another Anthrax album if he came back.
I honestly can't bring myself to listen.

Hehe. Dave's vocals aren't the main vocals so it's little more than a guest appearance. I'm not against it like so many of the commentors are and I wouldn't go as far as saying Dave has sold as as some of them have but it's not that far removed from guest appearances that many other metal musos have done
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To me it would be the same as me singing some backing vocals on a mates folk album.

Given both Dave's are playing around about with different genres and they live in a heavily country influenced area I'm praying for the next Megadeth album to be country album just so I can see the reaction of SJW's everywhere :p
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Hehe. Dave's vocals aren't the main vocals so it's little more than a guest appearance. I'm not against it like so many of the commentors are and I wouldn't go as far as saying Dave has sold as as some of them have but it's not that far removed from guest appearances that many other metal musos have done
Honestly the reason I didn't listen is because I was sure there wouldn't be enough Dave lol
To me it would be the same as me singing some backing vocals on a mates folk album.

Given both Dave's are playing around about with different genres and they live in a heavily country influenced area I'm praying for the next Megadeth album to be country album just so I can see the reaction of SJW's everywhere :p
Countdown To Country?
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