The what's going on in Thrash thread

Picture from the Overkill FB page came up with the following caption.

"Andreas Kisser, David Ellefson, Mark Osegueda, Gary Holt and BB at the Metal Allegiance show last week!"

I hope this MA show was filmed, sounds like an impressive bunch of players.
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$3000 is a fucking disgrace. These arsehole scalpers ought to be castrated in a public plaza. The more bands like Iron Maiden etc work at ways to slow scalping down the better, it will never stop but something has to change.

Although in saying that putting a band like Slayer on in a 4,500 seat arena is a joke, putting 5 bands on is ridiculous.
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Pretty funny. He doesn't like to poach from other bands. Weren't Kiko and Dirk both in other bands? lol

When they joined Megadeth they had officially quit the other bands so therefore it wasn't poaching. It's band etiquette 101 as written by Dave after the fact and therefore should not be questioned. :)
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