The what's going on in Thrash thread

I started watching the but gave up, I'm getting a bit over Megahype at the moment. I would normally say give me a new video and I'll be happy but they did that and I wasn't that happy, so I guess I'm just not able to be pleased. There was another FB post today telling people to check out the new video.
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Not sure if it's the same for everyone but the freeze frame of the video on that page for me has Dave making one of the best faces ever. It's better than any interview could ever have been. Just like the article says that you 'can't unhear" what Dave is talking about with the songs, I can't unsee that image and I now think it's an interview with a comedy clown!
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Not sure if it's the same for everyone but the freeze frame of the video on that page for me has Dave making one of the best faces ever. It's better than any interview could ever have been. Just like the article says that you 'can't unhear" what Dave is talking about with the songs, I can't unsee that image and I now think it's an interview with a comedy clown!

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I'm about half way through that vid and the sound is a bit crappy but it's good to hear them play it.

Dave is kind of right with what he says about the internet twisting things and making more of them than what they are, but one day he might learn not to say some of the stupid things he does so that not everything can be twisted.
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Not sure how this effects America but it wouldn't effect us Aussie metal heads much. We don't have Best Buy (in this country Best Buy is a subsidiary bread company) but if Target stopped selling CD's I wouldn't even notice. I haven't visited a CD section in stores like Target for years because they don't stock metal, it's all top 40 and compilations.
If you had asked me a year ago I would have said oh shit that sucks but for about a year they really let their selection slip. For a while I was able to get pretty much everything. But now there really is nothing but the top 40. And that's all Target ever had. So it doesn't effect me I guess.
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We used to have maybe six or seven dedicated metal shops in the city here but even that number is down now. I was looking for something the other day I think there might be three stores that sell metal and even they are more than just metal.
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Not sure about the US but the resurgence of vinyl will be a nail in the coffin here. Record stores are charging anything from $30-65 for vinyl. I wouldn't mind betting a lack of vinyl sales will be blamed for dwindling record stores, the price of what they are selling wont come into it, it never has.
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Not sure about the US but the resurgence of vinyl will be a nail in the coffin here. Record stores are charging anything from $30-65 for vinyl. I wouldn't mind betting a lack of vinyl sales will be blamed for dwindling record stores, the price of what they are selling wont come into it, it never has.
You should invest in a 3d printer..have the record companies send you the files or whatever and the artwork. Then print up the records and sleeves and sell them at a decent price.:D
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I think there is only one independent store in my whole state now.

I reckon we have a few scattered around the state but they would all be generic stores not like days gone by where each store had its own character and the owners often seemed to focus on one theme or another. We used to have a really good one in town where they weren't metal dedicated but you could tell the owners knew and liked metal because the metal section was always filled with new and interesting releases, not just the main label stalwarts. They got driven out by the bigger stores that could sell cheaper, could afford more advertising and didn't give a shit what they sold.
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