The what's going on in Thrash thread

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No these days I think he just whinges about being Corey Feldman and knowing Corey Whateverhisnamewas.
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Probably an English thing then. I've never seen GOT but "whinge" has always been part of the vocabulary. It's not an Aussie term but we've always used it when someone goes over the top and cry doesn't seem like enough.
Yeah I read that yesterday, not sure what he really meant at first, then I decided he must have meant that metal didn't exist for them, or him, because of other things happening.
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I just read it. I'm not the hugest Priest fan but this really sucks! Just a real shitty thing.Of course people are already saying if they should quit.

All things do have to end and it sucks when they do but there is some solace in the fact that he hasn't given up. In reality many bands have toured with substitute players, I'm sure JP can pull it off.
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