The what's going on in Thrash thread

Another band I don't know lol

Not sure how widely they were known. They are another band that get 'classic' added to them but for me they are heavier than traditional thrash bands. I was never sold on all the vocals but I really liked the music.
Reading some of the comments Bittner came in and said that it was Ron on the Grinding wheel. Which confuses me even more that the drums aren't as great...I guess it might not actually be Bittner lol

I'll see that in two days times when their FB feed gives it up. For some reason all the media releases of Overkill I have seen lately on Blabber at least 24 hours before their FB page updates it.
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Yeah there was some interest in the songs but not enough for me to go back to it like I might with something like Metal Allegiance.
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I thought the Whiplash video was going to be better than it was. MIllie did an ok job of singing it but it still kind of felt like he wasn't giving it his all.
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Aweeeeee aint that sweet, nothing to really talk about so I'll go on a bit of bro-love!

Although it does go a little way to pointing out the reason we have so much rehashed news and why it appears we have so many repeated stories in the media today. The opening line of the article "During an interview with Metal Injection conducted at last month's NAMM show in Anaheim," So not only are they headlining someone elses interview with a comment that Jnr has said for years the original interview happened last month, with someone else and in that time frame both sites have produced probably 5 articles with snippets from that interview. Top notch reporting there.
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