The what's going on in Thrash thread

People rag Mustaine for his mouth and the contradictions he makes but Lars is nearly a walking contradiction of himself. Some times it's almost like Lars is two different people, at least with Mustaine we know he's just one crazy. :)
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I know, I know just something I had seen recently and couldn’t resist posting! I could never bring myself to sport that kind of stuff!
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Seems every day someone else is getting in on the Slayer retirement thing and although Frankie doesn't say anything new I do like the bit about ending heavy music.

In an interview with Sofa King Cool, Bello was asked if SLAYER and other veteran heavy metal artists calling it quits is an indication that the hard music genre is coming to an end.
Seems like a logical question. Since Slayer was around in the beginnings it's only fair that when Tom and the boys call it quits they turn the lights off for everyone else as they walk out the door. It's like a mass retirement agreement they all signed when they decided to join bands in the fist place.
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Yeah funny and stupid question lol

I do kind of like all the different answers people are giving about Slayer. Those who say it will happen, those who say they have known about it for months and those who say it wont happen. None of it is really newsworthy but it's good everyone's opinion is being published.
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