The what's going on in Thrash thread

Man iTunes really pisses me off. It screws up so damn much. Actually, Apple pisses me off. I just got an ipad and it won't load the cover art. Everyone else's app works fine except their own, for their own stuff. WTF. And they have all these different rules between the iTunes on my laptop and the ipad. Again WTF.

I usually buy from Amazon, actually I have to now since BestBuy stopped selling.
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I got a couple of ipods from the place my wife used to work years ago and I hated loading itunes on the computer just to transfer music. It was a massive resource hog, syncing playlists was fucking woeful, and the updates always seemed to change something that I used and I had to find a new way of doing things. Every other mp3 player I have works with copy and paste but itunes was a joke.
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One of my ipods flew across the patio when I got the shits with the headphone socket not working. It didn't survive!
So I decided I would spend $3 and get the tools to pull it apart and see what I could learn. What I learnt was that it's pointless pulling an ipod apart because there is almost nothing you can repair inside.
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The constant updates are fucking bullshit,and definitely hamper things to no end.In my case if you don’t update to the newest version my iPod classic will not sync at all. I do purchase some music from amazon but mostly download Rar and Zip files and just use iTunes as a default player/library on my old ass HP laptop. I have a huge CD collection,but mostly just use the laptop for the convenience into my home system.Kinda of a primitive way but it works for me for now!
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I had an 8 and a 16gb ipod which I only used as music players I can't remember what generation they were but both were different, the older one without wifi caused me less problems than the newer on did but they both annoyed the shit out of me when it came to transferring files. I bought the kids and myself a couple of basic MP3 players of Fleabay a few years ago, no fancy video, no touch screen just a simple player capable of 16GB, cost me about $20 each. They beat the shit out of the ipods I used to use cause the kids can use them, the battery last for ages and they are so much easier to use. I removed and added about 8GB to mine this afternoon in just over an hour. If it was the ipod I'd probably still be trying to get the fucker to sync, itunes would be out of date and only half my music would be in a folder.
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I had an 8 and a 16gb ipod which I only used as music players I can't remember what generation they were but both were different, the older one without wifi caused me less problems than the newer on did but they both annoyed the shit out of me when it came to transferring files. I bought the kids and myself a couple of basic MP3 players of Fleabay a few years ago, no fancy video, no touch screen just a simple player capable of 16GB, cost me about $20 each. They beat the shit out of the ipods I used to use cause the kids can use them, the battery last for ages and they are so much easier to use. I removed and added about 8GB to mine this afternoon in just over an hour. If it was the ipod I'd probably still be trying to get the fucker to sync, itunes would be out of date and only half my music would be in a folder.
Yeah it’s a really frustrating shit rot process!
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Looks like Saturday is going to be spent listening to new music.
Meliah Rage - Idol Hands and
Kobra And The Lotus - Prevail II
Both getting great reviews and starting my day.
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I had this stuff bought for me, otherwise I'd stay away. Who needs the aggravation?!

I refuse it when it is brought to me. For some reason Apple just never sat well with me even back in the very early days before I knew how to pull a computer apart. I suppose it has something to do with always working on IBM compatibles but in the last 10 years or so it's more about saying a big FU to Apple and just avoiding it. Apple's principals and money grabbing ethics are worse than Gene Simmons.
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I was just looking at the track listing for Kings Among Scotland

ADI - 10:25
Indians - 10:34

Studio verison
ADI - 7:49
Indians - 5:40

WTF are they doing on that stage that takes them so long?

I remember Angus Young once saying a Led Zepp show bored him because of all the solos. How do you extend a song by 5 minutes and not make it boring after one viewing/listening?

Edit: Even Anitsocial is 3 minutes longer than the studio version and that song is repetitive enough on the album
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Idk, personally I like it when bands go into jams. I don't that that's what they've done. Just saying.
That bored Angus?..they guy that's basically made the same album his whole career? Don't get wrong, I have respect. But he's never gone out of his way to stretch himself.
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To be fair it was in the 80's he was only part way through his career :) But yeah I was surprised when Angus said it too because it was only a few years later AC/DC were being accused of only playing three chords. It was at a time when Zepps were being cited as every guitarist's influence and Jimmy Page was their god.

However I do get bored with some solos and jam sessions on stage, I used to love drum solos but these days I want to hear the music and I want to hear the singer. I don't mind solos like those that are in most songs and I like bands with two guitarists that swap solos but I don't need a 3 minute interlude of instruments just for the sake of showing they can play them.
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Oh ok so 80's not too bad lol. Sounds maybe a bit of sour grapes but I don't know how he said it haha.

It really depends on the band for me and how it's done. Metallica has a whole big production where they jam and do a drum thing and it's done really well with all the pageantry..but I still don't wanna hear/see it. But some bands pull it off and there are bands I'd love to see do it. But not if it's forced! I'd love to see Testament do a jam version of Last Call.

Oh and these jams Kirk and Rob keep having? Kirk should put that energy into learning his own parts
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