The what's going on in Thrash thread

Yeah, no news as to what happened so I guess there is hope that it's not true, but it doesn't look good.
Yeah I guess at this stage that's all they can go by, not like the coroner will know for at least a few days, more than that if there is 'other' factors.
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I think reports yesterday suggested three months if it wasn't straight forward. I don't know if VP was a user or a drinker but I would reckon the family and friends have at least been given a preliminary COD by whichever medical person was on scene and that might be what the reports are going off.
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I don't know if it's true in every case but when my wife's uncle died the coroner was able to pretty much rule it was complications due to alcohol fairly quickly. I guess they can see all that when they do the job where as drugs etc take time to get the toxicology reports.
Sounds not great, although in parts it's ok and the song seems to cut off at the end. But it's good to hear them playing some older songs.
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I don't know if it's true in every case but when my wife's uncle died the coroner was able to pretty much rule it was complications due to alcohol fairly quickly. I guess they can see all that when they do the job where as drugs etc take time to get the toxicology reports.
Yeah there must be signs of it before they actually die of it. I would think.
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I'm sure there is signs before they die but most of us don't see a coroner until we are dead! :p

I often wonder what people see, or ignore when it comes to friends and loved ones drinking or taking too many drugs. Rock stars do seem to dominate the numbers who die from such diseases (because we hear about them) and their friends often say they knew it was happening. But just as many say they didn't realise it was as bad as it was. I'm sure both sides do exist, for us we knew my wife's uncle was drinking too much but no one could stop him. He had one sister who flat out denied he was an alcoholic while two other sisters tried to stop or at least limit the intake but ultimately he was a 56 yr old single man he could not be controlled. His medical history told of the abuse so when he did die there was very little surprise and although it wasn't official the initial ruling of alcohol induced liver failure was proven by a coroner's exam.
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Yeah there is very little most people can to to stop an addict.

We used to do "metal against drugs" and try and promote a drug free environment for gigs because the area we were in was fairly high on the drug stats for youths. But even we knew we weren't saving kids that were already into it, however we did hope maybe we stopped a few from getting into it.
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I think the biggest problem with drugs these days is the shit that's available. There has always been bad drugs but these days hearing they mix shit with drain cleaner and other such crap is just scary.
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