The what's going on in Thrash thread

Fuck, My laptop won’t turn on for some reason and this thing won’t play it for some reason. Man this laptop isn’t even that old!

You're not missing that much. Under the crappy sound Megadeth do sound fairly tight but the sound was crappy and it seemed to drop out a few times.
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Smells like teen spirit? :lol: c'mon that shits funny!

Oh Charlie has dibs!

In the spirit of teens I shall act all moody and show no emotion then! (although you do get some points for creativity)

I wonder how long Charlie can have dibs for.
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There ya go. This is what Dave says, not what he said last week, and not what he will say next week. He looks a bit stoned in the picture so maybe he doesn't know what he's saying.

But on the upside read all the way down to the bottom and you'll find out that Kiko used to play in some band called Angra. Now you wouldn't have known that unless you'd read every fucking article Blabber have printed on Megadeth for the last 18 months!
Although in fairness Lars probably did create an aggressive album last time, but Kirk lost all his solos.
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