The what's going on in Thrash thread

I think a lot of Dave's downs came after he opened his mouth and said something stupid. I think he'd better a much better player if the media stopped asking him questions!
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I wonder if there will be any awkwardness on the Overkill tour since Bittner talked all this love about Flotsam and then promptly split for Overkill saying how much he loved them lol
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I wonder if there will be any awkwardness on the Overkill tour since Bittner talked all this love about Flotsam and then promptly split for Overkill saying how much he loved them lol

How long ago was that?

It appears the Overkill/Destruction part of the tour is a label thing, are FJ on the same label? They might have been forced together by the label and told to sort it out or don't come back. :)
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Listening to a band called Volition from Tulsa this morning. They've only got one album from last year but it's not a bad first out thrash album. The vocals tend to suit something closer to but not quiet death metal but there is some fast riffs on the album.
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How long ago was that?

It appears the Overkill/Destruction part of the tour is a label thing, are FJ on the same label? They might have been forced together by the label and told to sort it out or don't come back. :)
Overkill is on NB and Flotsam is on AFM.
Bittner joined a little bit before the last album, Did the album, but I'm not sure he ever supported it live? If he did it wasn't for very long. Blitz called him and he split.
So maybe it was Bitner's idea to get Flotsam on the bill? Testament, Overkill and Flotsam toured together a few years may have been the Slayer tour actually? But Overkill dropped out for some reason.
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Overkill is on NB and Flotsam is on AFM.
Bittner joined a little bit before the last album, Did the album, but I'm not sure he ever supported it live? If he did it wasn't for very long. Blitz called him and he split.
So maybe it was Bitner's idea to get Flotsam on the bill? Testament, Overkill and Flotsam toured together a few years may have been the Slayer tour actually? But Overkill dropped out for some reason.

Maybe it was a plan by Blitz and Bittner all along :)
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Cool, I'll check it out

They got heavier the longer the album went on. I'd almost put the last few songs at the lower end of the death metal genre but not quite there. They definitely aren't has extreme as Obituary or Death but there are elements there and they are probably as heavy as many of the current thrash bands. I'm going to give them one more listen before I decide if I want to buy it or not
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Even Vic wants to be seen with someone important to the metal scene :)


The nattily-dressed Vic ‘Head with the typically(ceaselessly, relentlessly, everunevolvingly)-dressed Vic Hōg, pallin’ around at the INCREDIBLE rock The Castle fest in Verona, Italy. Check out this lineup:
MEGADETH TESTAMENT EXODUS DESTRUCTION SODOM EXHORDER (plus a bunch of other killers)! Holy Shitbots, what a bill!!
I agree Holy Shitbots, what a bill!
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Live right now? I thought it must have been yesterday since Blabber were showing pics of the grave site.
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It said it was live. But it was Blabber lol

Seems to be pics of the actual funeral today so maybe the 'first released shots of the gravesite" were pre funeral. There was a tent thing standing in one of the shots so maybe they were just preparing.
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I wouldn't mind Rob back, but I do really like the guy they have now. I haven't heard Rob do anything as cool as Get your Bass On!. But yeah, not like rob is gonna leave that Metallica paycheck lol
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