The what's going on in Thrash thread

No I don't think so either, but we've actually been getting some good music docos on TV lately. Not death metal ones but something better than the usual shit they deliver us.
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There is a lot of songs about the Whiskey too, some good, some not so good.

I'm impressed how much they can get on that stage. You can tell it's a small stage but they still all get themselves a bit of room to move.
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I don't necessarily disagree with him but there does still seem to be quite a few bands releasing EP's Gruesome seem to have gotten most of their fans from EP's, Metal Allegiance released an EP last year that seemed to do well. I also think his "I wrote two songs this morning" comment is a bit wankerish. I agree that 18 months between albums seems a long time and maybe the fans deserve an album after that time not just an EP but for some bands who do tour extensively they do need a break and even two years between albums is only a minor annoyance. If they take 18 months between albums and it's a shit album then fair enough :)

I'm not a fan of DD but I have been reading the articles about the new Country covers album and interesting enough they started recording their Country covers album more than 12 months ago. The songs obviously didn't need writing because it was covers so that cuts a huge amount of time out, yet it still took more than a year. And in the past few months they've released two singles and three videos for the new album.
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I just think he's right about the 3-4 even 5 years in between. That's too long. Especially if you're younger. That's not a thriving scene to me. When I was a teenager albums were like picking apples. There was so much awesome music from all these bands every year or two. Of course touring is more important now. But still!
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Oh yeah, I don't begrudge bands some down time and holidays but more than 3 years between albums and people start forgetting who you are unless you are really well established. Even with the popular bands fans will digress towards other bands if they wait too long between albums.

I'm just waiting for someone to come out and say, "he wrote two songs before breakfast? What a slacker, I wrote three while I had a shit!"
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But just like DD frontman didn't say how long he waited for breakfast so he could write two songs, the guy on toilet didn't say how long he sat there. :)

Realistically though a comment like "I wrote two songs before breakfast" is just begging someone to come along and say something like, "imagine how much better they'd been if you took your time." I think he's brave for saying it.
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I don’t begrudge so much anymore about the gap,because god damn it really must be hard to craft something that rivals past masterpieces!Plus we always have Overkill lol!
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