The what's going on in Thrash thread

It's not thrash or classic but this bullshit is getting out of hand. I don't give a shit about Steel Panther, they are comic value at best, otherwise they are just a bunch of what the 80's called "Chicks With Dicks", (more make up than their mother's wear). But getting pissy because a band that has made it to where they are by writing, talking and doing sleezy shit then getting on some fucking high horse about the name of a pedal? I'm all for equal treatment but fuck lets put shit in perspective, it's a name, it's a pedal, if you don't like it don't buy it, but trying to get it banned is pathetic.
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It's not thrash or classic but this bullshit is getting out of hand. I don't give a shit about Steel Panther, they are comic value at best, otherwise they are just a bunch of what the 80's called "Chicks With Dicks", (more make up than their mother's wear). But getting pissy because a band that has made it to where they are by writing, talking and doing sleezy shit then getting on some fucking high horse about the name of a pedal? I'm all for equal treatment but fuck lets put shit in perspective, it's a name, it's a pedal, if you don't like it don't buy it, but trying to get it banned is pathetic.
LOL wtf fuck ever. Companies are caving way to quickly. It's just encouraging whiners.
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Yeah it's getting ridiculous. I can't fathom what goes through the mind of someone that sees a product they don't want then calls for it to be banned. If a female band came along with a pedal called a cock strangler I can't see men giving a crap.

But then again it said the petition they started had 660 (or there abouts) signatures. With social media the way it is I reckon I could get that many people supporting a ban on people who plant purple flowers in their garden. Such a ban would mean as much too...although if I did ban purple the LGBQTIRGSHDTEFFOHFFUFSS (or whatever the acronym is today) would hunt me down.
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660 out of the millions of people online lol. No way were that many people going to buy that pedal anyway, they weren't losing sales. Why cave?.
And yes it's gotten very one sided and hypocritical out there. Glass houses bitches.
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I wouldn't mind betting that any caving was done with a bigger goal in mind. Shut the complainants up now then in a few months come up with something even more silly/rude/suggestive and get even more great publicity. Who knows how much the band actually makes off the pedals but the more whiny bitches that complain the more often their name is being seen. I reckon that free publicity would be worth more than the sales of pedals.
Did you watch this Neptune? If so. Is it worth it?
I did,and Alex Bent is a great drummer but I feel it’s not what I was expecting. I will check out the whole album when it’s released. I watched the Death Documentary yesterday and all I will Tell you is that I believe your gonna like it.It sheds a lot of light on the way his vision was an uphill battle!
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RIP Ronnie \m/
Doesn't seem like 8 years.

I saw someone (can't remember who) from his past come out saying not so nice things about the hologram yesterday. While I agree on all sorts of levels I'm surprised there is still anyone left from his past that hasn't already commented on it.
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I did,and Alex Bent is a great drummer but I feel it’s not what I was expecting. I will check out the whole album when it’s released. I watched the Death Documentary yesterday and all I will Tell you is that I believe your gonna like it.It sheds a lot of light on the way his vision was an uphill battle!
For sure, that's one thing Dragonlord has kicked ass in is the drum department. Not that the other guys are slouches. Was it not as heavy as expected?
Mine should be here Friday. Can't wait. Dimevision2 still hasn't shipped.
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Yeah it might have been him, I remember the pic they used looked like the guy was standing in a wind strom. Maybe that's why it took so long for someone to ask him his opinion, he couldn't get out of the storm.
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One day I must remember to get this. But given I've had the most recent Janis Joplin doco sitting here for about 8 weeks and haven't watched it I probably don't need to be in a rush.
So much material,so little time I hear ya man!!!
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