The what's going on in Thrash thread

That's my problem with the statement, they are selectively using the term to suit themselves. "The Past is the past, expect where we don't want it to be." I don't care that they don't do John era songs, that's their choice even if I don't agree with it. If they don't want to play the songs because Joey can't sing them be up front and say that, don't throw up excuses that only make sense if taken in a skewed context of the meaning. Age had delivered Joey limitations, it happens to us all, even some of the live performances of Joey doing Joey era songs don't cut it like they once did, but they keep doing them. It's a shame to ignore one really cool album for the sake of a bit of pride. He's going to cop shit for not doing it, he's going to cop shit for doing a bad job of it. In my books it better to cop shit for giving something a decent go than not doing it
I don't disagree, we just look at things in different angles lol. I think at first I totally understand it because people really missed Joey. They ditched him at their height after what is arguably their best album. I know I was blown away by it and really did stop listening to them. And so with Joey back we could here all those songs and relive the good ole days and have our band back. BUT. It's been a few years. I wouldn't see anything wrong with doing Bush songs. How good they would be is debatable lol
He and they are kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't. And it's Charlie and Scotts fault. Too bad so many had to pay the price.
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Yeah I've seen quite a few docos with the same problem. I guess in some ways it comes down to the access the crew are given but in my experience it seems like nearly all the docos made without the direct input of the band or muso in question cut quite a lot out.
It's a shame. Maybe they'll d a sequel with this one.
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I don't disagree, we just look at things in different angles lol. I think at first I totally understand it because people really missed Joey. They ditched him at their height after what is arguably their best album. I know I was blown away by it and really did stop listening to them. And so with Joey back we could here all those songs and relive the good ole days and have our band back. BUT. It's been a few years. I wouldn't see anything wrong with doing Bush songs. How good they would be is debatable lol
He and they are kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't. And it's Charlie and Scotts fault. Too bad so many had to pay the price.

I was kind of shocked when they dumped Joey (although I also admit to never finding out if the reasons were legitimate or just ego driven) but I really liked White Noise so I kind of forgave them. But after White Noise I really didn't get into Anthrax again for quite a few years. Then when they announced Joey coming back I was excited to hear what they were going to do. However while I wasn't completely disappointed I didn't think it was as good as their first few albums. Joey had gotten older and I was never a fan of his solo stuff (if that's what it was called) but at the same time Scott and Charlie seemed to be stuck on the whole "more aggressive" band wagon and I don't think they delivered.

I accept that there was other problems when they toured here in 2010 and 2013 (especially 2013 when Charlie had to be replaced) but Joey was having a lot of difficulties with his era songs, sure they were a different band to what toured here in the 90's but there was a major spark that just wasn't present. Shit like that does happen to bands with age, even more so with bands that struggle with line ups. It seemed to me at that time that Joey could have fucked up every Bush era song and it really wouldn't have mattered because he was not doing his best at his own songs, but neither were the band.
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I was kind of shocked when they dumped Joey (although I also admit to never finding out if the reasons were legitimate or just ego driven) but I really liked White Noise so I kind of forgave them. But after White Noise I really didn't get into Anthrax again for quite a few years. Then when they announced Joey coming back I was excited to hear what they were going to do. However while I wasn't completely disappointed I didn't think it was as good as their first few albums. Joey had gotten older and I was never a fan of his solo stuff (if that's what it was called) but at the same time Scott and Charlie seemed to be stuck on the whole "more aggressive" band wagon and I don't think they delivered.

I accept that there was other problems when they toured here in 2010 and 2013 (especially 2013 when Charlie had to be replaced) but Joey was having a lot of difficulties with his era songs, sure they were a different band to what toured here in the 90's but there was a major spark that just wasn't present. Shit like that does happen to bands with age, even more so with bands that struggle with line ups. It seemed to me at that time that Joey could have fucked up every Bush era song and it really wouldn't have mattered because he was not doing his best at his own songs, but neither were the band.
I think it was bandwagon driven, they wanted to ride the wave. It worked for one album lol. If they had kept their thrashier style with Bush on vocals I personally would have been a lot more receptive. But they wanted that Black album audience.

Lol I thought they sounded pretty good in 2010 and 13 :)
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I think it was bandwagon driven, they wanted to ride the wave. It worked for one album lol. If they had kept their thrashier style with Bush on vocals I personally would have been a lot more receptive. But they wanted that Black album audience.

Lol I thought they sounded pretty good in 2010 and 13 :)

I've got White Noise, Stomp and We've Come For You All. Stomp I don't remember at all, WCFYA I really didn't mind some of the songs but it wasn't thrash and White Noise I liked. But I never really put much into who was the band or what style they were going for, if I liked the songs I listened to them and still do. I suppose because I never really bought into the whole "black album sellout" thoughts that many did I didn't think similar thoughts about White Noise, but I just couldn't get past the fact that when he returned Joey was not the same Joey who left.

I only heard recordings (straight off the desk) from the 2010 show but Joey seemed to struggle to singing songs from Among and earlier while doing a reasonable job of Euphoria and Persistence. However in 2013 when I saw them at the same outdoor event things just weren't there. Charlie was off with "personal issues" so the full chemistry wasn't there. Joey was not getting the crowd reaction he wanted and Scott was being a bit of a dick on stage telling the front row to stop requesting songs they weren't playing. I'm sure they did their best but it just wasn't as good as when they toured here for Persistence.
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That would be fantastic :headbang:

It would be interesting too see. Like with most bands there is some controversy as to who did what and time has a way of blurring a lot of stories. But I do notice that while Chuck is widely reported as kick starting a lot of the DM scene there is quite a few people out there who also claim he copied the first singer. I'd like to see Chuck come back and defend or agree with the comments and annoy the fuck out of all those who stood on the wrong side of the fence :)
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It would be interesting too see. Like with most bands there is some controversy as to who did what and time has a way of blurring a lot of stories. But I do notice that while Chuck is widely reported as kick starting a lot of the DM scene there is quite a few people out there who also claim he copied the first singer. I'd like to see Chuck come back and defend or agree with the comments and annoy the fuck out of all those who stood on the wrong side of the fence :)
The first singer?
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I've got White Noise, Stomp and We've Come For You All. Stomp I don't remember at all, WCFYA I really didn't mind some of the songs but it wasn't thrash and White Noise I liked. But I never really put much into who was the band or what style they were going for, if I liked the songs I listened to them and still do. I suppose because I never really bought into the whole "black album sellout" thoughts that many did I didn't think similar thoughts about White Noise, but I just couldn't get past the fact that when he returned Joey was not the same Joey who left.

I only heard recordings (straight off the desk) from the 2010 show but Joey seemed to struggle to singing songs from Among and earlier while doing a reasonable job of Euphoria and Persistence. However in 2013 when I saw them at the same outdoor event things just weren't there. Charlie was off with "personal issues" so the full chemistry wasn't there. Joey was not getting the crowd reaction he wanted and Scott was being a bit of a dick on stage telling the front row to stop requesting songs they weren't playing. I'm sure they did their best but it just wasn't as good as when they toured here for Persistence.
So they have toured there a bunch? Because someone on the Anthrax forum who is from Australia in the Spoken Word thread makes it sound like they never have.Unless I'm misunderstanding him.
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The first singer?

Kam Lee was the original singer and I think before that he was in another band which was playing similar stuff Kam played drums and sang but only on demos from memory, Chuck took over the singing about a year before the first album was released.
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So they have toured there a bunch? Because someone on the Anthrax forum who is from Australia in the Spoken Word thread makes it sound like they never have.Unless I'm misunderstanding him.

Three times I can remember. I don't think they toured in the Bush years and Persistence was their first go. They did two Soundwaves and I'm pretty sure there was sideshows in Melbourne and Sydney, but I might be mistaken on the Sideshow.

Anthrax fourm of UM? I got the impression from someone in one of the Anthrax threads that they were suggesting Anthrax hadn't toured here either, but I didn't bother trying to confirm what they meant. I also read today someone there saying the Spoken Words meet and greet tickets for Scott were US prices so that puts the price up to $200AUD. Fuck Me there are hookers in this country who charge less than that!
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It might be an old picture of Exodus but the quality of journalism on Blabber just goes up all the time.
Where would you be without hard hitting news like
Lars meeting James for the first time

Kirk was at home whenever the fuck it was Hawaii got that false missile alert.

If there is awards for hard hitting journalism on heavy metal blog Blabbermouth have it wrapped up this year!
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Kam Lee was the original singer and I think before that he was in another band which was playing similar stuff Kam played drums and sang but only on demos from memory, Chuck took over the singing about a year before the first album was released.
Wait the original singer of what? From what I've learned Chuck had Mantas and then changed the name to Death....hmmmmm. I'm confused lol
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Three times I can remember. I don't think they toured in the Bush years and Persistence was their first go. They did two Soundwaves and I'm pretty sure there was sideshows in Melbourne and Sydney, but I might be mistaken on the Sideshow.

Anthrax fourm of UM? I got the impression from someone in one of the Anthrax threads that they were suggesting Anthrax hadn't toured here either, but I didn't bother trying to confirm what they meant. I also read today someone there saying the Spoken Words meet and greet tickets for Scott were US prices so that puts the price up to $200AUD. Fuck Me there are hookers in this country who charge less than that!
Yeah the UM forum. It must be the same one you saw....$200?! It better come with a hooker and one of his guitars!
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Wait the original singer of what? From what I've learned Chuck had Mantas and then changed the name to Death....hmmmmm. I'm confused lol

Kam Lee did vocals and drums in Death/Mantis between 83 and 85 while Chuck was doing both bass or guitar. Chuck didn't start the main vocal spot until 85-86 at least a year before they released SBG
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