The what's going on in Thrash thread

It might be an old picture of Exodus but the quality of journalism on Blabber just goes up all the time.
Where would you be without hard hitting news like
Lars meeting James for the first time

Kirk was at home whenever the fuck it was Hawaii got that false missile alert.

If there is awards for hard hitting journalism on heavy metal blog Blabbermouth have it wrapped up this year!
Oh, super hard hitting lol
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Yeah the UM forum. It must be the same one you saw....$200?! It better come with a hooker and one of his guitars!

One of the comments I saw on another forum was that for the price he ought to bring Meatloaf with him and announce him as the new singer for Anthrax :)

A similar comment about the tour was made yesterday, but they have definitely been here before. Like I say I can't remember if they did side shows for the Soundwave, I thought they did but I could be wrong, quiet a few bands did, but they were here and in 2013 shared a drummer with Slayer. I think they have only done one solo tour and that was in the 90's and whatever figures they had for that concert would be useless to base a current tour on because the make up of the scene and all the venues have changed. It is possible they got stung by AJ and his non-payment plans and maybe they don't want to come back, but I don't know if AJ was not paying bands as early as 2013.
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I would say that's from when Zetro first came back. It's the same one they use on their site

Oh okay, I haven't looked at the site in a long time. I just seem to remember Blabber using it on every article for Exodus
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One of the comments I saw on another forum was that for the price he ought to bring Meatloaf with him and announce him as the new singer for Anthrax :)

A similar comment about the tour was made yesterday, but they have definitely been here before. Like I say I can't remember if they did side shows for the Soundwave, I thought they did but I could be wrong, quiet a few bands did, but they were here and in 2013 shared a drummer with Slayer. I think they have only done one solo tour and that was in the 90's and whatever figures they had for that concert would be useless to base a current tour on because the make up of the scene and all the venues have changed. It is possible they got stung by AJ and his non-payment plans and maybe they don't want to come back, but I don't know if AJ was not paying bands as early as 2013.
LOL that's pretty funny!
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There has been a lot of both praise and negativity towards Gar over the years. He definitely seems to polarise some people.
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I didn't dislike his drumming but whether he was any better or worse than anyone else isn't really an argument I'd get into.

Speaking of drummers a video of Hoglan walking into Captiol studios appeared today with the caption "Something really amazing and fun went down this week here."

Doesn't seem to reveal any more. Suggestions are Testament, or SYL. I'd rule out SYL given what Devin has been talking about recently, not sure about Testament though.
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Bruce Dickinson has just announced a spoken words tour for Aus about the same time as Scott is here. Will be interesting to see how much tickets are and how the crowds compare. I would tend to think Bruce would get a better reception than Scott. Bruce's book made the top sellers list here, Scott's wasn't even available in the major book store. Bruce has toured here more than Scott. Maiden have sold more than Anthrax. Either way I think I'd still prefer to watch both on DVD where I can stop it or skip bits but I'm sure there will be tickets sold.
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I didn't dislike his drumming but whether he was any better or worse than anyone else isn't really an argument I'd get into.

Speaking of drummers a video of Hoglan walking into Captiol studios appeared today with the caption "Something really amazing and fun went down this week here."

Doesn't seem to reveal any more. Suggestions are Testament, or SYL. I'd rule out SYL given what Devin has been talking about recently, not sure about Testament though.

I'm intrigued, I wonder what he's up to
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