The what's going on in Thrash thread

How would you feel knowing that you paid $80 to see Scott talk and then realising later you only got the ninety minute special, it would be like watching your favourite concert only to realise some bastard changed it to a clip show :)
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And then spend the next three years sending him letters and emails complaining that you were looking forward to one particular story and he didn't do it now you're not sure if you can still be a fan.
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I was just going through the SD card on my phone while waiting for the kids to get out of school and found Pitch Black Forecast. Damn I'd forgotten how good their albums were.
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Loved Socialised Hate and Violent By Nature when they came out, good to see them back again
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….who? lol


PBF was a side project (I guess) for Gene Hoglan and Rob Reinard of DA. The others in the band were in different bands too but I don't remember who they were. Devy turned up on one song too from memory. They only did two albums and an EP
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Hehe I failed Metal 101.
This was posted on Overkill's FB page and before looking at the caption I looked at the pic and thought, "who the fuck is that old guy standing beside Billy and Blitz?"

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See I think Blitz and Billy are visiting a retirement home and this strange old bloke came up to them and asked for a picture so he could look cool for his grand kids.