The what's going on in Thrash thread

Curiosity got the better of me and I've changed my mind, I do believe we created something like that.

The guy is a definitely a throw back from the 80' hair metal era. The girls obviously don't mind being half dressed and they dance like they wanted to be in Girls, Girls, Girls, but never quite made it. The band at times look like Motley Crue and the music is not far short of a 80's hair metal.

It's not brilliant but there is melody, there is hook and most of it is as catchy as fuck. The guy vocals are a bit odd on one track but if these guys had been around 30 years ago I reckon they'd have gotten themselves a record contract along side some of those 80's hair metal bands.

For some reason, and it's got nothing to do with quality, the first clip I watched reminded me of Black Alice and the movie Sons Of Steel. I doubt you'll get copies of Sons Of Steel in too many places these days although I think the sound track is still available. But it's a classic D grade horror/sci fi movie made by a guy down here. It is so corny and the one liners so crass that it's a cult classic.
So does it make the grade?
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Being power metal it's probably not on the list for many here to listen to but I got this yesterday and it's waking the neighbours today. I love the cheesy lyrics and the way these guys sing about what they do.

I kinda like the cover
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So does it make the grade?

Depends on the grade. I still like listening to bands like Kiss and Motley Crue at times and Crosson kind of fits with that and in part it's nearly as good, but there is some areas it falls down on. I'm dumping the copies I previewed and I wont be buying the two albums they have out, but for a hair metal band I reckon they'd put on a decent live show with lots of guitar worship and hooky tunes that do get a crowd moving.

The whole futuristic thing reminds me too much of Sons Of Steel to be a huge fan because I know Sons will never made a resurgence.
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I kinda like the cover

Power metal is not done as well by many bands. Their lyrical content is a lot about religions and sacrifices etc which makes them a bit corny but they are well researched on what they do write about. They have a lot of half dressed women in their clips, even half dressed women in churches, but they really do play with a power few bands have found.
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Yeah I'm not opposed to it when it's done well.

Powerwolf are probably one of the best and most consistent out there, but with songs like Saturday Satan, Catholic In The Morning...Satanist at Night and Resurrection By Erection you kind of know what you are getting lyrically before you hear it.
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I'm still on the fence with these guys. Some of what I hear is really good I kind of forget I'm listening to them after a few songs and they just become back ground noise. I guess I need to sit down with nothing else and see what happens.

I hear what you’re sayin’ man the first three albums were a bit more catchy and those vocals are really something that you will never get used to.The production even though really good,is a bit too polished but overall I think they’re a pretty good band.We’ve all heard worse lol!!!
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I'd be interested to see what they are like live and see how that energy is used. YT videos are one thing but being there in person might take these guys to a different level.
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TBH I didn't read any more than the headline, however my first thought was, I hope they do quit just to prove people like him wrong.

Wonder how long it will be before we start hearing from Rod Stewart, Obama, and Woody Allen, surely they need to get involved too.
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