The what's going on in Thrash thread

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For some reason I thought Milano actually was that person now? Some comments I've read of his didn't sound like jokes.

Milano has always been outspoken and often borders on being a real dick. Listening to MOD over the years and he really comes across as a racist, bigoted, naive dumbarse at times. Whether it's an act or serious I don't really know but he's an angry little fucker that seems to think the world is against him. There was a guy who used to be in MOD who was trying to do something MOD related and Billy rightfully called him out but he did it in such a dick move that you almost felt sorry for the other guy.

Just don't go on the MOD forum here and tell them any less than how much you want to suck Billy's dick while he pats you on the head and tells you how to suck because they worship the ground he dribbles on.
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Oh he's got quite the following huh? That usually only happens when someone is very famous or is actually the dick they portray.

It might not be huge, I don't think the last MOD sold as well as previous ones, but those that count themselves as followers are really dedicated. You don't even have to say the new album sucks, simply suggesting that it's not quite as good as his early days is enough for the firing squad.
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It might not be huge, I don't think the last MOD sold as well as previous ones, but those that count themselves as followers are really dedicated. You don't even have to say the new album sucks, simply suggesting that it's not quite as good as his early days is enough for the firing squad.
Kinda makes me wanna check it out lol
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Kinda makes me wanna check it out lol

All hail Billy Milano and his band of merry men!! He seems to have a bit of trouble keeping regular band members too. Not sure any of the current band (or the guys who were on the last album) are original.
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Never a band I could get into. They seem pretty popular, almost fanatically so, on other parts of this forum though.
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