The what's going on in Thrash thread

It's one of those advantages of the modern scene I think. We can give it a go and if we like it buy it. I know some muso's don't think that's a good way but I really couldn't see myself buy this album, previewing it might change my mind. Of course it may not too but at least I wont buy it unheard and be pissed off at wasting money.
Very true, that's the only legitimate and fair balance the internet has struck between "paying" fans and record companies.
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You gotta keep society safe!

Oh yeah, they are a menace with their low speed mobility scooters and bad attitudes. We should pit them against the backward hat wearing, jeans around their knees street hoods and make it survival of the fittest.
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Very true, that's the only legitimate and fair balance the internet has struck between "paying" fans and record companies.

Sadly not all musos and record companies think it's fair. They like us wasting money on shit we don't like which makes us hate them.
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Oh yeah, they are a menace with their low speed mobility scooters and bad attitudes. We should pit them against the backward hat wearing, jeans around their knees street hoods and make it survival of the fittest.
HA! $20 on grandpa! Probably hiding a shiv in that cane, the devious bastard.
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Oh yeah I forgot about Tenet.

Zetro is the Big4 there is no denying it. Time to re-write wiki!
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Haha that's pretty good. :) It's a pity Hollywood are too deep into remakes and reboots to go for something original
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This from the guy who is the big4 :)

I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. I hope for a good album but I'm not going to get exited for heavy, aggressive, angry or violent because there are too many let downs these days.
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Oh was it Zetro? lol

I think there's gonna be some good stuff. Hopefully Gary shows us what he was going to use in Slayer.

What the hell is going on with Zetro's hair?
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I'm hopeful but not getting too excited quickly just in case. I don't know if Blood In Blood Out was violent and heavy but I liked it, maybe not as much as Fab Dis, or Impact, or even Bonded, but I thought it was a good album. If they can better it I'll be happy, but I'll wait until I have it before I get too excited.

Zetro's one step from dreds by the look of it, maybe he's forgotten to wash and brush it.
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