The what's going on in Thrash thread

I didn't mind Iconoclast. Not sure what a band member means when they say there is 'possibly' an album, sounds a bit silly to me, either it's there or it's not. Does make one wonder though. Anthrax had been talking about the new album. Frank's been working with Jnr on their album. Charlie has been on and off sick. Scott has been recording with that band and his wife. When the hell has he had time to record this possibly album. Almost seems like Anthrax is becoming the side project.
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Maybe Hammet's thing with Exodus was because he thought it was the 40th anniversary and was getting in before Zetro claimed it :)

For sure with the arrogance of Hetfield and Ulrich. I didn't see it as much with Hammet but just because I didn't see it doesn't mean I'd rule it out. I think both Burton and Newstead were different people. Maybe that was because they knew Hetfield and Ulrich ruled the roost maybe it was their nature but I never really saw those two as out spoken arrogant pricks. Even to this day Newstead doesn't shit can the band as much as he could. Ulrich was born to well off parents who told him he was going to be a pro tennis player and moved him to America to be their dream, I think there is a lot of 'born this way' with him.

Unless it was a compilation, as you suggested Motorhead tribute etc, I can't see anyone wanting Lars to guest, he's nothing more than a drummer with weird faces and poor taste in clothing. Actually I take that back, after collaborations with Lou Reed and Lady Ga Ga I can see their next collaboration will either be with Kayne West because his missus was seen wearing a Metallica shirt, or Justine Bieber for the same reason!

I think Dave probably said that 'soild' comment without thinking but I'm waiting for the next Jnr interview where he calls Snr a solid frontman.
I'm sure Zetro can find a way to undercut that lol

Yeah Cliff and Jason both seemed pretty cool. You're right I'm kind of undecided about Kirk. But Lars, man that guy lol. I would never be surprised if he came out with a clothing line with the Kardashians or some lame shit like that.
I had forgotten about the Gaga thing...thanks. :) Who was that rapper? Jamerrica or something? :D
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You're right, not all questions answered but there was some. It appears they wrote John's song, yet Blitz helped write his. So to make the Blitz song sound Overkill-ish they used Blitz's influence where as to make a song sound Anthrax-ish they wrote it and John just sang. Makes me think John's got a distinct voice and style for heavier music and a lot of what he sings will sound like Anthrax.

Interesting to hear that they haven't really been knocked back by anyone.
I'm still trying to figure out why they would let a Floor write a song...
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I didn't mind Iconoclast. Not sure what a band member means when they say there is 'possibly' an album, sounds a bit silly to me, either it's there or it's not. Does make one wonder though. Anthrax had been talking about the new album. Frank's been working with Jnr on their album. Charlie has been on and off sick. Scott has been recording with that band and his wife. When the hell has he had time to record this possibly album. Almost seems like Anthrax is becoming the side project.
I didn't hear anything by them, but yeah it sounds like Anthrax is spreading a bit thin.
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I'm sure Zetro can find a way to undercut that lol

Yeah Cliff and Jason both seemed pretty cool. You're right I'm kind of undecided about Kirk. But Lars, man that guy lol. I would never be surprised if he came out with a clothing line with the Kardashians or some lame shit like that.
I had forgotten about the Gaga thing...thanks. :) Who was that rapper? Jamerrica or something? :D

Well David Lee Roth invented everything else (according to his book) so it's only fair Zetro invented and claims everything in the trash world because DLR is not a trash person.

Kirk dresses better than Lars, he kind of looks like the business man of the band :)

I think Lars would fit right in with the Kardashians. Ja Rule I think was the rapper, but they are all the same so the names are also interchangeable.
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You know when I saw Megadeth a couple years ago Dave barely said a word. It was actually kind of annoying.

I've seen them three times since RIP and remember the same thing. He barely introduced the songs, he barely introduced the band and he certainly didn't have any of those long winded rants like I've seen on YT. The longest I heard him talk between songs was on the RIP tour when he spoke while security pulled a guy in a wheel chair from the pit and I think he felt like he had to give them a bit of kudos for what they were doing.
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I didn't hear anything by them, but yeah it sounds like Anthrax is spreading a bit thin.

Iconoclast was widely praised, probably more so because of it being a 'super group' which is a BS term anyway, but there was some rasonable stuff on it. I haven't listened to it for a while but it's definitely worth giving a go.
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The old pictures get better :)




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I've seen them three times since RIP and remember the same thing. He barely introduced the songs, he barely introduced the band and he certainly didn't have any of those long winded rants like I've seen on YT. The longest I heard him talk between songs was on the RIP tour when he spoke while security pulled a guy in a wheel chair from the pit and I think he felt like he had to give them a bit of kudos for what they were doing.
It's kinda weird because when Dave was in Metallica he was more of a frontman than Hetfield. He did most of the talking. Maybe it's all alcohol with these guys.
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It's kinda weird because when Dave was in Metallica he was more of a frontman than Hetfield. He did most of the talking. Maybe it's all alcohol with these guys.

When I saw the RIP tour I was pissed off with his lack of communication. I didn't want him to grab a chair and have a chat but half the songs he didn't even intro.
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That's gotta be from Risk? It's the one album I don't have. Yay! Bandwagon....

Yeah part of the 35th anniversary stuff, I think there is bad archived shots of them for every album and Dave's just cleaning out his attic.
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New ST seems like a bit of a filler track, but they have always done those.
Love the artwork the dude in the video creates though.

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