The what's going on in Thrash thread

So when is the Exodus album coming?

Kerry's stated in a interview on MI that not only will the final tour go into 2019 but there is 12 months of 2019 to spend touring. Apparently they are extending the US leg, they are going to South America, Australia and Japan and will be in France in July for Hellfest.

Gary is going to have to phone it in for the new Exodus album.
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I guess Gary could be writing (since he seems to do most of it) and he could drop in and out of one or more studios, but it doesn't look good for an Exodus album in the short term. It also makes me wonder what Zetro has been doing. I understand he's not talking to Gary everyday but surely Gary's known for a while what the Slayer tour is doing and therefore some of what Zetro has been saying about a new album now seems wrong.
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Looks to me like a guy confused about what he's being asked. At one point it's almost like he's suggesting the bands are "new wave" which is a pop/rock scene all of it's own. Both Motorhead and JP were well established before the NWOBHM really started in the late 70's but I don't know that they were part of any huge push. I think these days they might get nostalgically thrown into it by some because they were British but then if you have a look at the list of NWOBHM on wiki it's populated with just about any metal band who had an album from 1969- 1985.
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Well it's good that someone recognises there is shit on the Internet, if only he'd realised it before he opened his mouth and added to it with his words that said nothing. "Everything is speculative" "the internet is full of shit" "someone didn't want to tour" "Tom is old". Well done for adding to the BS on the internet Shawn.
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Looks to me like a guy confused about what he's being asked. At one point it's almost like he's suggesting the bands are "new wave" which is a pop/rock scene all of it's own. Both Motorhead and JP were well established before the NWOBHM really started in the late 70's but I don't know that they were part of any huge push. I think these days they might get nostalgically thrown into it by some because they were British but then if you have a look at the list of NWOBHM on wiki it's populated with just about any metal band who had an album from 1969- 1985.
Hahaha I know people that swear wiki is infallible. I tell them most of these people are the same ones that can't even use a turn signal... and yeah, new wave? what?
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Hahaha I know people that swear wiki is infallible. I tell them most of these people are the same ones that can't even use a turn signal... and yeah, new wave? what?

Wiki does have a real problem in that anyone with an account can change details so that makes it difficult to be factual as well. According to the wiki list of NWOBHM bands:

The period 1979-1981 in the United Kingdom introduced a movement of young musicians, generally identified as the new wave of British heavy metal. The movement spawned more than a thousand hard rock and heavy metal bands from all over the UK, which were more or less forcibly identified as heavy metal acts. Most of those bands did not survive past the mid-1980s and disbanded, but many reformed in the 2000s.
More than 1000 bands spawned? Then those bands were forcibly identified as heavy metal? What happened? Did the guy who first coined the term NWOBHM go around threatening to punch thousands of musos in the head if they did not start calling themselves heavy metal?

Most of the band didn't survive but they reformed? I'm not surprised most didn't survive if there was more than 1000 of them. I'm also not surprised nearly every UK band in existence from '79-'81 is listed as NWOBHM.

I think from this we have to accept every band with a drummer, a bassist, at least one guitarist, and a vocalist that plays anything more than children's music and gospel music is a NWOBHM band.
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Yeah man, that doesn't sound right at all. Especially the 1000 bands part.

Well from what I remember the name was coined by a journo who saw a bunch of British bands becoming popular overseas and he started to push the term to give them a collective term the press could use. I'm sure there is more to it but that's the basics I remember and from there it was pushed by all sorts of other people. I don't think there was ever a sign up process or a list of criteria for bands to meet before they were accepted therefore I think the 1000 bands thing really is a nostalgic thing and people keep adding their favourite bands to the list because they were British not so much because they were part of a 'movement'.
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Well from what I remember the name was coined by a journo who saw a bunch of British bands becoming popular overseas and he started to push the term to give them a collective term the press could use. I'm sure there is more to it but that's the basics I remember and from there it was pushed by all sorts of other people. I don't think there was ever a sign up process or a list of criteria for bands to meet before they were accepted therefore I think the 1000 bands thing really is a nostalgic thing and people keep adding their favourite bands to the list because they were British not so much because they were part of a 'movement'.
1000 bands is a lot of damn bands. Especially for back then. They must be throwing in every rock, punk ,metal band around into it. And even then it's a lot.
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It's like the wiki for Australian metal bands. There is bands on the list that played three gigs before breaking up in 1983. There are bands that released one song that was hard rock. The Aus Bands list hasn't been updated since 2011 but whoever wrote it had some strange ideas about which bands where worthy of listing. Chances are as the years go on the list of NWOBHM bands will only increase as people realise their garage band wasn't in the list :)
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It's interesting to type an obscure name or a name of some of the bands you see spoken about by other musos (not Metallica, Megadeth etc) into Metal Archives and seeing how many bands they have listed with the same or similar names. Some have never released anything, and a lot of them are listed in the wrong genres, but I believe that site requires confirmation before a band is listed, yet there must be hundreds of thousands bands on there and some of them will be listed as NWOBHM despite not being around in those years. It's become a genre not an abbreviation made up by a journo.
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