The what's going on in Thrash thread

I can't remember if F&J have been here or not, if they did it had to be in the mid 00's because I'm dead sure it wasn't before that.

Kerry announced the other day that the Farewell tour is coming down under and all people here want to talk about now is what festival it will be part of. I understand how attractive festivals are because a band gets paid a large amount to appear, where as a tour of their own they take on a lot of other financial costs. I also understand that a lot of people are starting to think that Kerry is the Thrash world equivalent of Gene Simmons but if Slayer come here for the farewell and play a fucking festival it will be a real piss off to the long time fans.
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They didn't do much touring outside Arizona in the 00's so I doubt they went there. Would be cool if Slayer brought them! A farewell tour should not be part of a festival in my opinion. Unless it has to be. I can't harsh on Kerry. Slayer is not a mainstream band and deserve every penny they can get. I think out of the big 4 slayer are the only one's who truly made it as themselves. And kept it at that level without going radio. I'm not the hugest slayer fan, but my hat's off to them.
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I reckon ragging on anyone who is out to make money and does it well is ridiculous. First rule of business is to make money, second rule is to make as much of it as you can. When marketing is the biggest thing these musos can do to make money I say good luck to them.

Slayer have sold out their own tours here before they don't need festivals. But even if they headlined it I still don't think it's a fitting goodbye gig. Festival's have such a band name in this country fans are avoiding them. At least at a solo gig Slayer would get 20,000 of their own fans, not 50,000 mixed fans.
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I would be doubtful we'd get the line up like Euro and US get but two, maybe three bands would be the minimum I would expect. Slayer have played both festivals and solo gigs here and they have sold out the same arena Iron Maiden sold out. If a promoter here can't see the benefit of putting them on their own bill no matter who supports, then promoters in this country need a kick in the arse.
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Oh yeah that's for sure. I understand it's their business and a bad tour could break some of them but this country (and I'm sure there are examples all over the world) has a major problem with money grabbing pricks only in it for themselves.

When Alestorm toured here in '13 they recorded the entire tour, all the gigs, all the silly off stage antics and they even released the video and CD of the Melbourne gig so it was a hugely successfully tour for them that paved the way for later tours. But in the years prior to '13 their had been 5 big promoters knock them back because they weren't 'big enough' to make the tour viable. Then a couple of brothers who dabbled in small time local shows and small local tours, decided to take the risk on the tour because they were fans and they've never looked back. The band and the promoter made money and the tour was enough of a success that smaller bands on the Naplam label realised that it really was worth touring here. The two brothers may not be as rich and fat as the promoters who bring out the huge pop bands but they achieved what those fat cats said couldn't happen.
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I think it's always a going to be worth it to go an underappreciated market. People learned years ago it was worth it to go to Japan. I don't know why Australia should be any different. Lack of vision lol. Cool that those brothers are doing it.
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Most tours down this way now include New Zealand and Japan so they have worked out that there is the potential for more gigs and more fans but there is still a risk many are scared to take. Festival gigs have helped convince some bands it's worth coming here, getting away from winter to our summer has convinced a few as well. But the interesting thing to me is how many lesser known/popular bands are touring because playing smaller venues is really becoming popular here..

We get some bands doing side shows to festivals too which is a good deal, however there is a few festivals that actually make bands sign exclusivity contracts that stop them playing side shows, which sucks.
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Most tours down this way now include New Zealand and Japan so they have worked out that there is the potential for more gigs and more fans but there is still a risk many are scared to take. Festival gigs have helped convince some bands it's worth coming here, getting away from winter to our summer has convinced a few as well. But the interesting thing to me is how many lesser known/popular bands are touring because playing smaller venues is really becoming popular here..

We get some bands doing side shows to festivals too which is a good deal, however there is a few festivals that actually make bands sign exclusivity contracts that stop them playing side shows, which sucks.
That's pretty fucked up to make a band do that!
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Come on we could make it to the Hartford show!As for the preorder or import,I sure will man!
God, why'd it have to be Hartford?! lol I avoid that place like the plague!

I've asked both Gilbert and Spencer about any special additions or anything like that for the upcoming album. And nothing. I miss Mark and Jason and Craig :yell:. The Flotsam website has turned into the worst most pointless site ever.:mad:
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That's pretty fucked up to make a band do that!

The worst one I saw was a death metal(ish) festival in Tassie, the land of the two heads and about 1/500 of Australia's population, where they had a relatively popular at the time bunch of bands playing. There was one US band (and I can't remember the name I'm that up with death and extreme metal) who had never toured here before and the festival managed to scrap together enough cash to pay the band a fee that they agreed was enough not to play any gigs on the mainland as a part of the same tour. There was no actual figures mentioned but the festival got a major win, it cost them a fortune and shitloads of their fans missed out on seeing them. But both band and promoters were happy.

If Slayer came here as a part of a festival there is the potential for them to play other gigs, but with the money these festivals offer they could just as easily offer them first or second billing and pay them enough to not play any more shows.
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Yeah there is always going to be some that miss out anyway but it seems stupid to knowingly make a large group of your die hards miss out.

Still what difference does it make to Kerry he's only in it for the cash and it's the farewell tour, he wont have to come back and answer to his fans The greedy prick will just jump on his play with his middle finger high saying "fuck you I took all your money!"
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I do find it interesting he's the only one that the media etc claim will carry on with anything. From what I've read Tom hasn't said he's retiring jut that he's retiring from the road.
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