The what's going on in Thrash thread

It's just what I member from like two interviews on a slow day lol, I don't think I'd heard a Europe song since the Countdown album in the 80's. But I remember when Blabber put the new one up I was curious. It didn't have much of a hard rock edge to it.

I really don't remember anything of them after Final Countdown until a year or so ago when they started talking about the 30th anniversary. I do remember one of the local mags announcing an album release in the 90's but I couldn't tell you want it was. The FC album has some good songs on it but it's the only album I own and it's so old that it's one of the cds where the volume is lower that current ones so if you can't put it somewhere like the car stacker where it randoms between discs because the volume change is too annoying.
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The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So true.

It's funny the reaction the heavy metal pres had got. He's spoken to Barney from Napalm Death about gender equality (or some such related topic), he's spoken to Max Caverlera from Seps I believe, now Dave wants to give him tickets to a show. I'm waiting for our current PM to say he likes metal so he can ride the same wave the Waccky Wododo dude is riding!
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I really don't remember anything of them after Final Countdown until a year or so ago when they started talking about the 30th anniversary. I do remember one of the local mags announcing an album release in the 90's but I couldn't tell you want it was. The FC album has some good songs on it but it's the only album I own and it's so old that it's one of the cds where the volume is lower that current ones so if you can't put it somewhere like the car stacker where it randoms between discs because the volume change is too annoying.
Yeah they may have done nothing in between for all I know lol
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It's funny the reaction the heavy metal pres had got. He's spoken to Barney from Napalm Death about gender equality (or some such related topic), he's spoken to Max Caverlera from Seps I believe, now Dave wants to give him tickets to a show. I'm waiting for our current PM to say he likes metal so he can ride the same wave the Waccky Wododo dude is riding!
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Our new PM has come out saying how much he likes some urban hip hop shit and some pop music. The stupid fuckwit even said it would be good if people abbreviated his two names Scott Morrison into ScoMo like some stupid fucking rapper. We have no hope!
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These guys only have one album out and it's not great but geez at times the lead singer sounds like either Blitz or Zetro depending on what he's singing. There is nearly a 90's Overkill feel to the album.

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Wow you are dead on with that description.

I listened to the full album and it's got some really good moments on it but the similarities to early Overkill is amazing, the only time it dips a little off that course is when he turns it around and sings like Zetro. No idea if the band are still together but if they do make a second album I'm going to have to listen to it just what a second go around brings them.
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I listened to the full album and it's got some really good moments on it but the similarities to early Overkill is amazing, the only time it dips a little off that course is when he turns it around and sings like Zetro. No idea if the band are still together but if they do make a second album I'm going to have to listen to it just what a second go around brings them.
I'm going to have to check it out :kickass:
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LOL quick turnover huh?

6 in 10 years or something, not one has gone full term and only two were elected by the public I think, the others are a result of internal fighting and the party sacking their leader.
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