The what's going on in Thrash thread

I disagree. Mustaines voice is what it is. There's not much you can do. But Lars and Kirk are the epitome of lazy fucking musicians. I guarantee if they weren't both filthy rich they would be better. Neither of them would cut it in another band.
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Mustaine got vocal training from the same woman who coached Axl before RIP and his voice is shitloads better than it used to be but naysayers spend their time shitting on him for it (when they aren't shitting on him for the bad attitude). To me that's no different to shitting on Lars and Kirk, it's ok when it's done in fun but for some people it's a hobby and just comes off as jealousy.
Yeah but he's had a metal plate put in his neck since then. I can't speak for others I'm sure jealousy comes into it. Personally I can make fun of both of them all day. I'm not jealous at all. I just hate lazy slackers. There's no getting around that they both used to be much better.
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I'm pretty sure most people would get lazy in their job if they worked out a way they could cut down the effort and make more money each year for doing it. But looking at the way Metallica can still rock a venue and the way they play their old songs I'm happy for them to be lazy, they wont ever be a go to band for me but there is still a power on stage that many other bands don't have.
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Steve Vai isn't lazy. Satriani isn't lazy, many , many others aren't. They have tons of dough. If you really love your instrument you don't get worse. You do get worse if you don't care. And they act like they are still awesome which is what bothers me. I don't see them rocking shit except a bunch of people who are probably happy listening to Godsmack. Metallica gets by on crowd participation. They've worked up an audience of fans that don't know much better for almost 30 years. Not by being awesome. Any of the other thrash bands would blow them away musically. Probably why they tour with bands like Ghost.

Shit Tipton has Parkinsons and is still kicking ass lol And I'm sure plenty of money.
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Ever since Metallica 'sold out' people have turned on them, which is fine people's tastes change, but it's the hatred that their comments are laced with that makes me see jealousy in their words before anything else. Just like Dave haters can't say "I don't like the music" they have to say "Dave is the biggest dick in the world and since he found god his music sucks." If people don't like Metallica I'm sure the band are fine with that, but to lace every comment with hatred to me shows a sheep mentality.

However I'm all for getting lazy at work and getting paid the same amount, if someone wanted to pay me the same amount of money for doing half the job I'd be patting them on the back, damn I might even give them a hug.
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Like I said, I can only speak for myself. But let's face it. Alternative got popular and Metallica changed their music started wearing makeup and feathers and Kirk and Lars made out. They did it to make more money. They get so much shit because previous to that they were very vocal about being against all of that. And Hetfield has even said now that he was not a fan of Load and era. Coincidently or not Hetfield is the only one of the three that hasn't gotten worse on his instrument. his singing is another matter lol
Did they really wear feathers?

I can't play any instrument well enough to unreservedly say any muso is shit at theirs. If I saw their skills at making a website, or building a computer it might be a different case and I'd be happy to qualify my shitcanning of them by proving my skills are better than theirs. But to anyone not willing to put their money where their mouth is I don't put much weight in their comments.

Hetfield was so heavily into drugs during the Load era I'm not surprised he now doesn't like it. He probably remembers so little he's ashamed of what he did.

I still believe that if any thrash band of the time was given the opportunity Metallica was they would have taken the same path. There is obviously no proof either way but given the desire to be famous, and maybe rich, seems to be inbred in so many people I think it's a fair bet.
I believe it's in the cd booklet of Load. Think STP. And eyeliner.

It's not that I'm comparing myself to them. ( I know you didn't mean me specifically ) I don't shit on people that are worse than me. I respect the process. What I am is disappointed at what we have missed out on. They were better than this.

I think Hetfield said he went on Lars and Kirk's ride, or something like that.

I think there is some proof. Nobody sunk their talent as low as Metallica. I think Testament could have pulled it off. But they said fuck you record company and did Low and Demonic. I respect the hell out of that. But there is some truth also. Megadeth's Risk. If that had done better they probably would have taken it even further. Strange how Metallica pulled it off so well. I suppose having a huge PR division behind them didn't hurt. But then again Megadeth didn't go full in with feathers and guy liner and bisexualness, so maybe that was it lol

Who knows.
I don't think I own Load, and I only own ReLoad because I won it.

I don't know enough to know they could be better, but I can make strange faces so picking or Lars' drummer faces is fair game to me.

Yeah I seem to remember Hetfield saying something like that, but at the same time because he was so drug fucked I think he spoke a lot of shit around things. Not saying that bit specifically is shit, but the time around Load etc. especially the bits shown on those short docos they did, show him to be a complete prick.

I think Megadeth were too late to the scene (for whatever reason) but by the time Risk came out I think the good and bad of the Black album was too prominent for even a good album to repeat what the Black album did for Metallica. I actually think there was only one place for any of those bands to make it that big and whether it was good luck, good management, good music or something else Metallica just happened to win the only prize.
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The booby prize? :tickled:;):)

Yeah I'm not sure they could still be better. LOL, those faces!

Hetfield was a giant dick for a long long time. First alcohol then whatever drugs he was on.

Yes, sometimes there is only room for one giant.
They have bobbies and feathers? :)

I think Lars needs some facial competition, it could be a game for all drummers to compete in.

Yeah as much as Lars and Kirk seemed to cop bad press for a lot of things I think I'd still have preferred to put up with them than Hetfield during those years.

I think reality TV shows have proven that throwing money at something makes it popular. So few of those 'winners' need a huge amount of talent to be popular and every year in heaps of countries they repeat the process. It started with the Monkees way back when and has reached stupid heights now. Maybe Metallica were the Monkees of the 90's and 00's.
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Dave really does look old close up these days, I'm surprised his hair isn't more grey, although maybe it's hair dye.

At the end of that video (on this screen not YT) I get three suggested videos. One is Am I Evil with James and Dave. Another is the history of the Electric guitar and the third one is a Megadeth doco but the still image for the video is a pic of Lars.
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Dave really does look old close up these days, I'm surprised his hair isn't more grey, although maybe it's hair dye.

At the end of that video (on this screen not YT) I get three suggested videos. One is Am I Evil with James and Dave. Another is the history of the Electric guitar and the third one is a Megadeth doco but the still image for the video is a pic of Lars.
Oh I'm sure he's been coloring it for years. It's been red, kinda red, blazing red and blonde.

I haven't watched it yet. Lars?
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Was he really blonde? I don't think I I remember that stage. I think he should go jet black just for fun.

The suggested doco is actually some fan made thing that goes for 10 minutes. Looks like a bunch of clips and one of the clips is Larz talking about Dave. But it's amazingly random to post a video about Megadeth as suggested but use a scene with larz in it as the still.
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A slight exaggeration ;)It's not super white blonde, but it's not his usual red either. I found this, there is still a tinge of red, but I know I've seen it even lighter. And way different from the bottom pic.

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