The what's going on in Thrash thread

Listed on the release list of Wiki and MA and both together are usually fairly accurate.

Well I can't get it I'm getting Terrorizer :p

Edit: Actually F&J has been removed off the MA list so I don't if that means something is changing.
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Sales figures should be easy enough to get, I know Australian figures are easy to get after a few weeks.

I don't know what is happening with F&J wiki is obviously slow at being updated but it seems like MA and the label are mentioning nothing at all while interviews and news sites are still suggesting Nov 9.
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It's weird how they get away with stuff like that. You'd reckon the band or their management would say something. The label could still ignore it I suppose but you have to wonder why they would.
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Yeah, the problem might be they don't really have management. But the label really wanted them so you'd think they would support them better.
I did email the label. They said. Thanks for the message! Pre orders start soon! Watch our FB page for updates :).
I told them I don't use FB. Why isn't it on their website?.
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If the date is Nov 9 like previously released then it's nearly too late for preorders anyway.

It's interesting these days how many businesses only update their FB pages and think that's enough. I know FB is popular and it even has a market place to sell shit so e-commerce is different to what it used to be but this push for everyone to be on FB is fucked.
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If the date is Nov 9 like previously released then it's nearly too late for preorders anyway.

It's interesting these days how many businesses only update their FB pages and think that's enough. I know FB is popular and it even has a market place to sell shit so e-commerce is different to what it used to be but this push for everyone to be on FB is fucked.
It is fucked. I get the power of FB, but if you have a website, use it. I don't trust FB at all and I feel like I'm justified in that feeling lol. And they don't seem to have a problem updating for other bands.
You're right it's cutting it very close for pre orders!
I also told them they need to get Flotsam on that Megadeth cruise.
You know. Over the years I feel like I've done way more to try and promote this band than any label they've had or any manager.
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Damn that's a large figure. Majority share doesn't indicate how much, neither does eight figure sum but even without exact figures it's a lot of money for a record label. Shows they are making a shitload of the punters.
And yet they are one of the stingiest record companies. Those fucking digi packs are bullshit. Cardboard garbage. Another thing that pushes people to steal music. Because it's almost pointless to collect the crap they've been making.
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It is fucked. I get the power of FB, but if you have a website, use it. I don't trust FB at all and I feel like I'm justified in that feeling lol. And they don't seem to have a problem updating for other bands.
You're right it's cutting it very close for pre orders!
I also told them they need to get Flotsam on that Megadeth cruise.
You know. Over the years I feel like I've done way more to try and promote this band than any label they've had or any manager.

FB (and most social media) are limited in how much info can be offered at once. It's good for the short term memory people but not good for details. Although I think one of the reasons so many use FB is because any numpty can update FB were as they might have to employ, or pay a web designer for something better.
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And yet they are one of the stingiest record companies. Those fucking digi packs are bullshit. Cardboard garbage. Another thing that pushes people to steal music. Because it's almost pointless to collect the crap they've been making.

Might be because they are stingy that makes them worth so much.
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FB (and most social media) are limited in how much info can be offered at once. It's good for the short term memory people but not good for details. Although I think one of the reasons so many use FB is because any numpty can update FB were as they might have to employ, or pay a web designer for something better.
Oh totally, anyone can do it. but they already employ people to update the website. They just aren't doing it for Flotsam. :mad:
Might be because they are stingy that makes them worth so much.
Yeah could be. And yet they are making these stupid cassettes and they take more plastic than a jewel case. So really I just don't get it. But I'd be pissed if I were a band like Testament. It's like the label doesn't value the product. The whole plastic piece on Brotherhood Of The Snake ripped off from the cardboard the first time I took the cd off of it.
Cheap fuckers.
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Oh totally, anyone can do it. but they already employ people to update the website. They just aren't doing it for Flotsam. :mad:

In this country the reason for that would be because the web designer charges by the hour so they only pay him X hours a week and it's never enough to do all the work. But that's okay because FB exists and the receptionist updates that.
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