The what's going on in Thrash thread

Not sure if this was posted with the "teaser" a week or so back and can;t be bothered looking.

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Metal Church are one of those bands these days that takes me a bit of listening to get into, it never seems to click on the first listen.
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Haha the drama and love of the heavy metal world. Seems one dick moves eventually leads to another.

I'd suggest that if the message posted on FB was important enough to be deleted soon after being posted maybe the post didn't tell the whole story but we'll never know who did what and why even if Slayer chose to address the story.

I do love the way MI got to the end of the article before printing this gem.

It should also be noted that Danzig performs in the Misfits with former Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo. Lombardo does not perform with Danzig's solo band though.
If DL plays in the Misfits and the Misfits only why should it be noted as such in an article about Danzig and Slayer? I'm not sure if they are trying to make a connection that Slayer are still shitty at DL and will piss on any person he knows or if maybe MI just worked out that DL used to be in Slayer...I'm going with the second one!
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Haha the drama and love of the heavy metal world. Seems one dick moves eventually leads to another.

I'd suggest that if the message posted on FB was important enough to be deleted soon after being posted maybe the post didn't tell the whole story but we'll never know who did what and why even if Slayer chose to address the story.

I do love the way MI got to the end of the article before printing this gem.

It should also be noted that Danzig performs in the Misfits with former Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo. Lombardo does not perform with Danzig's solo band though.
If DL plays in the Misfits and the Misfits only why should it be noted as such in an article about Danzig and Slayer? I'm not sure if they are trying to make a connection that Slayer are still shitty at DL and will piss on any person he knows or if maybe MI just worked out that DL used to be in Slayer...I'm going with the second one!
Jeez Danzigs manager sounds like a little bitch in that post. " in Danzigs spot" it sounds like there were no real spots and everyone was scrambling around. The whole story is suspect lol
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Jeez Danzigs manager sounds like a little bitch in that post. " in Danzigs spot" it sounds like there were no real spots and everyone was scrambling around. The whole story is suspect lol

Yeah I don't where the truth lies and I'm sure all of them have egos that clash. I like some of Danzig's music and I like his theories and ideas about the anti-god stuff but the guy does come of as a complete dick some times. However I'm sure Slayer can be like that at times too. Seems pretty sucky to bitch and fight about a rescheduled gig specially if they both had travel arrangements.
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Yeah I don't where the truth lies and I'm sure all of them have egos that clash. I like some of Danzig's music and I like his theories and ideas about the anti-god stuff but the guy does come of as a complete dick some times. However I'm sure Slayer can be like that at times too. Seems pretty sucky to bitch and fight about a rescheduled gig specially if they both had travel arrangements.
I'm not sure I've heard any of his theories, but he seems like a real dick in what I have read, that doesn't necessarily mean he is though. I'm not sure Slayer are dicks either. They may have innocently wanted to change their schedule, (I'm sure they don't keep track of Danzigs flight plans) and it got blown up. Who knows. The one person that for sure looks like a dick is Danzigs manager lol
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He's done the whole anti-god thing for years. There is videos of him talking about owning the Lost Books Of the Bible and how the bible is not what Christian's make it out to be. I don't know if he believes his own voice but he's basically taken the stance that if God exists and Christians want to push it then they should know the evils that God did as well. I don't necessarily believe him but reading what he had to say shows he is well researched on the topic and can out talk any religious nut on the topic. He has picked fights with many other musos, including picking a fist fight with Rollins but most of it's hot air.

I'm sure Slayer can be dicks, I'm sure we all can, Kerry is getting a reputation for being a bit of a power head but that may also be exaggerated. However if there was any sort of conflict after rescheduling someone has to loose out and I have no doubt the looser of that would feel hard done by. It's easy to suggest there was more there to see Slayer but I only assume that to be the truth Danzig does have his fans. But he also has a big attitude. Would Slayer have said the same if they lost out, who knows, maybe they would have. But it does seem to me that the manager is trying to make something more out of what he's got, maybe he's trying to get compensation, maybe he's just trying to get Danzig's name in the press. Either way it looks like MI is the only one reporting it.
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Doesn't the real bible do a pretty good job of telling the shitty things god can do? lol. I'm gonna have to look some of this shit up. It sounds entertaining. Danzig shouldn't be picking fights after getting his ass knocked out front of everybody for shooting his mouth off :D

I'm sure they can be too. But all the things I've heard about Kerry being one as been from the people on Blabber lol. Nothing reputable. And really, if you're the concert people and you had to choose. Who's the bigger draw. Danzig? or Slayer? I think I'd have to say Slayer.

MI being the only one reporting doesn't give me a lot of confidence in it's authenticity. I'll wait for judgement till someone with more cred like Blabber has it....:p
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