The what's going on in Thrash thread

Well apart from the fact that time time Slayer had a slot for a drummer he was suffering back injuries which did lead to surgery I can understand his reasoning. His music has always been death metal, his drumming helped define the genre. Sure he can probably play what Slayer and Megadeth do but his choice was not to because of the blast beats he was playing. Given there is so many different blasts beats it's hardly surprising he chose to stay true to what he helped create rather than jump genres. I think asking him why he didn't try out for a band like Slayer is far sillier than his reasoning for not doing it.
Aside from blast beats I don't think there's really any difference between Thrash drumming and Death Metal. If there's so many different blast beats why do they all sound the same? :tickled:
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Aside from blast beats I don't think there's really any difference between Thrash drumming and Death Metal. If there's so many different blast beats why do they all sound the same? :tickled:

Even Hoglan has his own blast beat. The role of a drummer might not be that different between genres but I don't think that means all drummers are interchangeable. I've followed Pete since the 80's, he's always played extreme metal and death metal, he's never played thrash but I doubt it's because he can't. Seeing him behind the kit of Slayer would be like the first time seeing Lomardo behind the kit for ST, he can do it and do it well but he doesn't look the part. I'm sure people would get used to him behind the kit of Slayer if it happened but when he's asked a stupid question it's easier to respond that his blast beats are different to what Slayer require.
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Did you guys know that to buy tickets for the Megadeth cruise you have to buy a Cyber Army membership first? WTF.

Isn't that just the pre-sale? I must admit I haven't read any of the links in depth because the cruise doesn't interest me but I was under the impression that signing up before the 12th meant you got pre selection for the cruise not the only way to get tickets.
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Even Hoglan has his own blast beat. The role of a drummer might not be that different between genres but I don't think that means all drummers are interchangeable. I've followed Pete since the 80's, he's always played extreme metal and death metal, he's never played thrash but I doubt it's because he can't. Seeing him behind the kit of Slayer would be like the first time seeing Lomardo behind the kit for ST, he can do it and do it well but he doesn't look the part. I'm sure people would get used to him behind the kit of Slayer if it happened but when he's asked a stupid question it's easier to respond that his blast beats are different to what Slayer require.
I know he has his own, but they still sound the same lol.
About Pete I'm just saying why would any metal drummer who could play the material turn down such a well paying high profile gig because of blast beats?
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I know he has his own, but they still sound the same lol.
About Pete I'm just saying why would any metal drummer who could play the material turn down such a well paying high profile gig because of blast beats?

Pete's biggest issue would have been his back injury. Given that those who know him knew that he suffered from well before Lombardo quit Slayer until after Lombardo was replaced I think it has more to do with a stupid question answered in a stupid way. But at the same time playing for a band like Slayer doesn't suit everyone.
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Hehe from another thread on UM

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Pete's biggest issue would have been his back injury. Given that those who know him knew that he suffered from well before Lombardo quit Slayer until after Lombardo was replaced I think it has more to do with a stupid question answered in a stupid way. But at the same time playing for a band like Slayer doesn't suit everyone.
ack issue is what Paul said his reason for leaving Testament was? Or shoulder or wrist, something. Then he joined Slayer lol.
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ack issue is what Paul said his reason for leaving Testament was? Or shoulder or wrist, something. Then he joined Slayer lol.

I don't know how "radical" the surgery Pete had was but he lived with his back and disc issues for about 10 years before surgery. I know for me it would be have to be radical to opt in for back surgery. After shoulder surgery I'd need a lot of persuading to have someone operate on something as important as a back. I also don't know how much his drumming style is responsible for his back but I do remember back in about 03-04 when Terrorizer 'officially' broke up he claimed it was the style and the way he'd sat and played for 20 years that forced him into retirement. Then he came back in about '11-12 and realised he couldn't play for long enough to do full shows, now he's had surgery. Guess time will tell if he can tour.
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That's as funny as it is disturbing! lol! Goddamn Yuckabee looks like a retarded wildebeest. Just in general lol

I don't really recognise the other three but because the pic has been used for so many things the first time I looked at it I didn't even see Trump. But I did see Jnr.
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I don't know how "radical" the surgery Pete had was but he lived with his back and disc issues for about 10 years before surgery. I know for me it would be have to be radical to opt in for back surgery. After shoulder surgery I'd need a lot of persuading to have someone operate on something as important as a back. I also don't know how much his drumming style is responsible for his back but I do remember back in about 03-04 when Terrorizer 'officially' broke up he claimed it was the style and the way he'd sat and played for 20 years that forced him into retirement. Then he came back in about '11-12 and realised he couldn't play for long enough to do full shows, now he's had surgery. Guess time will tell if he can tour.
Back pain is awful. Can't imagine drumming with disc issues!
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I don't really recognise the other three but because the pic has been used for so many things the first time I looked at it I didn't even see Trump. But I did see Jnr.
I think from left to right, it's Huckabee (Yuckabee) Kushner, Trump and Conway. I THINK lol. Kinda hard to tell. Oops the last one is Cruz.
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Back pain is awful. Can't imagine drumming with disc issues!

Neither could he for about 10 years.

I fell off a lighting tower about 25 years ago, wasn't the worst fall but I still get twinges and some days it's hard to even sit. But to actually spend your job sitting down and banging away at the speed Pete did I couldn't imagine. Maybe he should invest in one of those therapeutic office chairs and a modified drum kit now he's old :)
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I think from left to right, it's Huckabee (Yuckabee) Kushner, Trump and Conway. I THINK lol. Kinda hard to tell. Oops the last one is Cruz.

If they did the same for our political leaders I'd be the same. I know one looks like a potato and we no longer have any females near the top but that's about it.
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