The what's going on in Thrash thread

"I thank Kirk for being good enough to follow in my footsteps, but a bigger thanks must go to Lars and James for having the foresight to sack me. It was that foresight that made me realise I was born to be a leader not just a person who twangs his thang."
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There is still something about this band that is appealing but I'm just not sure about the singer. Both this and the first single that Neptune posted have some good music behind them but I'm not sure I can listen to the singer.

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Yeah both this and the first song sound really good. I was really getting into the intro and liking what was being played then the vocals hit and it just seemed wrong. He's not a bad singer it just doesn't seem to fit. I'm going to have to find time to hit up YT on their old stuff to see if I can get into the singing.
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Not word for word but it was before the Slayer tour and it was something along the lines of "regrettably inform, yadda yadda yadda, not enough time, yadda, yadda, yadda, wish them the best." They never announced a replacement and Ron's never said he was recording without Gene but Gene did say he was leaving because of time. From previous stories they had recorded anything from part to nearly all of an album but it was not finished. Makes sense to wait for Gene especially since Ron doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but Gene might have made his announcement thinking the album was closer.
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I think it will work eventually. As well as Testament I'm pretty sure he's got Zimmer's Hole due in the next few months and there was an unnamed project he was working on not long after they got on the Slayer tour so while DA remains important to him I think Ron will keep pushing.
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30 years this year since LS, 28 since their last one so it's definitely due.

Gene needs to stop advertising protein powders and get drumming.
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I think it's protein powder, I remember something along the lines of "I wouldn't lend my name to just anything so you know this works." I'm pretty sure his wife handles a lot of the PR and she reposts it once a week.
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