The what's going on in Thrash thread

Damn I hope Gene and the boys do something good with some new music so that it takes away from ashtray head :)
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Dark Angel just posted on FB congratulating themselves on 30 years since filming Ultimate Revenge PII (DA, Forbidden, Death and Faith Or Fear) but the post is written in the first person and it's signed by Gene. So it appears Gene (or his missus) is still controlling the DA FB feeds, so that can only be a good thing.
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Ugh, so again it's going to be parts of songs that are angry. Mixed with happier stuff. I'm fucking sick of half and half songs. Just as I'm sick of mid tempo thrash.

I'm sick of them talking about a new album!

Says in the article that Chuckles is the main song writer. I thought Scott and Charlie shared the majority of the writing.
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Sucks that Sneap isn't around to produce. The last album was the best sounding one they've had in a very longtime.

Yeah, although I am prepared to give someone else a go. Production is important but songs are important too.
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