The what's going on in Thrash thread

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Sigh, I'm just not getting very excited over this. Mike's voice is by far the most powerful thing here. They need the music to sound powerful as well. It's such a weak guitar tone.
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Yeah it's a far call from their hey day and I want to like it but I'm just not sure how that is going to go yet. Even the cover is not great.
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Reactions: Neptune and redfly
I really get that with Metal Church,Mike’s voice really is stronger than ever but the hunger of the band just seems to be lacking!But hey they’re still around and really it’s not like I’m not going to support them because some of the magic IS still there!
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By the way does anyone know besides the live material,what the two bonus tracks consist of?They list everything On CD Japan,but I don’t speak Japanese.Maybe Marty could tell us lol!
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I really get that with Metal Church,Mike’s voice really is stronger than ever but the hunger of the band just seems to be lacking!But hey they’re still around and really it’s not like I’m not going to support them because some of the magic IS still there!

I'll probably end up getting the album but it's definitely going to be one I preview before buying.
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Reactions: Neptune and redfly
By the way does anyone know besides the live material,what the two bonus tracks consist of?They list everything On CD Japan,but I don’t speak Japanese.Maybe Marty could tell us lol!

Ex- Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman? :)

From what I've seen some only list 12 tracks, Marty lists 14 on his bandcamp page. Hyperdoom and Sigmata Addiction are both live and recorded at the same gig as the rest of the disc.

Edit: that is suppose to be a bandcamp link to the page not a friggen song/album link. However skip through the tracks and you can hear tracks 13 and 14
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I really get that with Metal Church,Mike’s voice really is stronger than ever but the hunger of the band just seems to be lacking!But hey they’re still around and really it’s not like I’m not going to support them because some of the magic IS still there!
Honestly man I just don't know exactly what it is. But the songs just seem wimpy to me. These first two have not hit me like the first two they released from the last album. And I felt those were a bit wimpy, they aren't very heavy and they aren't very dark. The production feels lifeless. I'm sure part of it is that this band is the old Ronnie band which to me is a second tier band.
They are not as good as the original band...or they just don't play like it. The solos are short and a bit basic, the drums while better than the last album are still not where they should be for a band with the kind of history this one has. All Metal Church's peers from back in the day like flotsam, Testament and Overkill have kicked it up a notch. Metal Church has not. I feel like Mike deserves a better band than this. At the least better production. but that probably won't happen since Kurdt is producing or co producing. I think when you're that close you can sort of tend to be blinded by the excitement of making a new album and being with the guys.
They'll get my money as long as Howe is in the band, but I have the feeling I'll always be thinking they could sound better and more powerful. I think if they did an album with Sneap it would be the best one with Howe ever.
Mike is carrying this band. In my opinion.
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