The what's going on in Thrash thread

Honestly man I just don't know exactly what it is. But the songs just seem wimpy to me. These first two have not hit me like the first two they released from the last album. And I felt those were a bit wimpy, they aren't very heavy and they aren't very dark. The production feels lifeless. I'm sure part of it is that this band is the old Ronnie band which to me is a second tier band.
They are not as good as the original band...or they just don't play like it. The solos are short and a bit basic, the drums while better than the last album are still not where they should be for a band with the kind of history this one has. All Metal Church's peers from back in the day like flotsam, Testament and Overkill have kicked it up a notch. Metal Church has not. I feel like Mike deserves a better band than this. At the least better production. but that probably won't happen since Kurdt is producing or co producing. I think when you're that close you can sort of tend to be blinded by the excitement of making a new album and being with the guys.
They'll get my money as long as Howe is in the band, but I have the feeling I'll always be thinking they could sound better and more powerful. I think if they did an album with Sneap it would be the best one with Howe ever.
Mike is carrying this band. In my opinion.

I guess they are of the opinion they have done something good that keeps them moving forward and that's why they are releasing it but you do have to wonder how some bands think about new albums. Overkill has been almost unmistakably Overkill for 30 years, they might not have created anything overly new but they don't need to because the formula is there. The late 90's and 00's for them wasn't their best but when they went back to the formula for the last few albums I'm sure their have noticed an increase in their sales. To me Metal Church while releasing some reasonable stuff haven't found anything solid from their history to go back and cling to and that's effecting todays music.
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Honestly I just seem to think it’s the core members absence. I don’t necessarily mean whether you are a Howe or Wayne fan,that’s a whole other preference.No I mean the Duke,Wells,Arrington backbone it just worked!Oh and Marshall too,he was no slouch!
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I'm going to blame myself and say it's my fault they don't sound like I expect them too.
If I had to extend that (to make the band feel better about their new opus) I would say I've got more and more to listen to these days and while no other band out there sounds like the Metal Church album I want them to make Metal Church don't either so it's easy to spread my listening out. The same goes for most bands. I'm less and less excited about an Anthrax album these days. I'm less excited about a number of bands purely because what they are producing isn't quite what I want and I have the ability to search for stuff that is.
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I guess they are of the opinion they have done something good that keeps them moving forward and that's why they are releasing it but you do have to wonder how some bands think about new albums. Overkill has been almost unmistakably Overkill for 30 years, they might not have created anything overly new but they don't need to because the formula is there. The late 90's and 00's for them wasn't their best but when they went back to the formula for the last few albums I'm sure their have noticed an increase in their sales. To me Metal Church while releasing some reasonable stuff haven't found anything solid from their history to go back and cling to and that's effecting todays music.
I'm just not sure what Kurdt hears, because it's his band. He's the writer of the music and the producer. He really does seem to want them to be hard rock as if that's gonna bring in the sales. It isn't.
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I'm going to blame myself and say it's my fault they don't sound like I expect them too.
If I had to extend that (to make the band feel better about their new opus) I would say I've got more and more to listen to these days and while no other band out there sounds like the Metal Church album I want them to make Metal Church don't either so it's easy to spread my listening out. The same goes for most bands. I'm less and less excited about an Anthrax album these days. I'm less excited about a number of bands purely because what they are producing isn't quite what I want and I have the ability to search for stuff that is.
I simply think they would be much better off with a more powerful production. When you put testament in you feel the weight of it. Even if it's not your favorite song. It sounds full. Same with Overkill and Flotsam and Megadeth. Metal Church, not so much.
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I'm just not sure what Kurdt hears, because it's his band. He's the writer of the music and the producer. He really does seem to want them to be hard rock as if that's gonna bring in the sales. It isn't.

Yeah maybe he does want them to tone it down and chase a hard rock audience. I can't see it working myself but he definitely wouldn't be the first guy in music to think that a change is going to make them bigger. Also wouldn't be the first band to make a change then come back full circle, although I think a band like Metal Church would have to know that what they have is limited and there may not be time to come back
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I simply think they would be much better off with a more powerful production. When you put testament in you feel the weight of it. Even if it's not your favorite song. It sounds full. Same with Overkill and Flotsam and Megadeth. Metal Church, not so much.

Yeah that's true more power would be good, but in this day of touchy feely I'll blame myself and not the band just to make them feel better. And lets face it with that photo Blabber's been using they look like a band that wants touchy feely, free from blame :)
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Yeah maybe he does want them to tone it down and chase a hard rock audience. I can't see it working myself but he definitely wouldn't be the first guy in music to think that a change is going to make them bigger. Also wouldn't be the first band to make a change then come back full circle, although I think a band like Metal Church would have to know that what they have is limited and there may not be time to come back
Man, exactly. I feel like they are pissing away their momentum with having Mike back. Hard Rock is not their audience.
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Yeah that's true more power would be good, but in this day of touchy feely I'll blame myself and not the band just to make them feel better. And lets face it with that photo Blabber's been using they look like a band that wants touchy feely, free from blame :)
LOL, that picture.

I'm obviously not saying they need to go extreme, that's not going to happen. But a stripped down sound isn't good either. They just need the sound of the original Howe albums but with todays beefed up production. Or...Howe should get into another band lol. I'd love to hear him on a Metal Allegiance song.
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LOL, that picture.

I'm obviously not saying they need to go extreme, that's not going to happen. But a stripped down sound isn't good either. They just need the sound of the original Howe albums but with todays beefed up production. Or...Howe should get into another band lol. I'd love to hear him on a Metal Allegiance song.

Just start with getting a tougher picture :)
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