The what's going on in Thrash thread

I was thinking the same thing. There are so many bands now. They must be making money. And the veteran bands are doing fairly well. Make it heavy and people will come. You just can't fuck it up the momentum like he's doing with the pussy sounding mix. There's nothing worse than a band that's caught in between.
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Yeah I think MC's biggest problem is themselves. Record sales might down compared to years ago but that is across the board. Take out the very top tier and look at bands in a similar area to MC and they have to be making money because they are still plugging away. MC have not been consistent with their releases or their music. Bands like Megadeth and Anthrax saw what it was like when they changed and the fans didn't like it but MC doesn't seem to have realised that yet.
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Yeah that's true, it takes a fairly solid backing band to support multiple singers and not change their style. Even if MC wrote a killer album like their old days I still think it would take them several albums before their audience came back.
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Maybe there is other factors in their dynamic. The writing of both the music and lyrics has to be a big part of it but why can't they find that formula again it's not like they can't go back and listen to what sold well for them.
Listening to the interview I think the problem is the way Kurdt thinks about things. But he's also the only reason the band is still here lol. He definitely is stuck in the way he thinks things should sound.
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Listening to the interview I think the problem is the way Kurdt thinks about things. But he's also the only reason the band is still here lol. He definitely is stuck in the way he thinks things should sound.

So someone needs to kick his butt?
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Happy Thanksgiving to the both of you too! I can’t wait to see this years footage Of The Mall Mosher’s stampede each other on Black Friday lol!
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It's going to be brutal lol

Yeah I thought the black Friday sales were a week after Thanksgiving for some reason. Neither are something that has made much impact on my life. We've picked a a few things over the years at Black Friday sales but only from sites like Amazon etc. Shops in this country having a black Friday sale (which lasts all fucking week) is a relatively new thing.
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It is a good morning, and it's pretty black. We've got a cold front across the eastern part of the country, dropping temps well below average and pissing with rain. We do need the rain but coming down in such large amounts so quickly isn't really a help.
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