The what's going on in Thrash thread

Oh the outrage! I'm sure Iommi feels the same way.

I think it's funny. Iommi first claimed he didn't know why Ozzy felt the way he did about playing on stage last tour, then when it was pointed out to him that what Ozzy said was he was used to being the main man on stage and that Sabbath didn't work that way because Iommi often took the spotlight for his solos and riffs they both accepted what was said wasn't done out of spite. Then the media printed they were arguing and the dickhead commentors on Blabber etc started taking sides in a fight that wasn't there.

It's the same with the latest comments. They don't like working together but they are friends, fuck that sounds like just about everyone else in the world. I've worked with heaps of people I thought were shit at work but had no problem with them outside of work. It's not a fight to take sides with it's a statement of fact.
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You reckon these people would have learnt from history. After all look what happened to Mick Wall and Andy Whatshisface at Hit Parader when they copped the wrath of an Angry Axl! People on the internet need to be careful they don't want to be called to the ring :)
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I think it's funny. Iommi first claimed he didn't know why Ozzy felt the way he did about playing on stage last tour, then when it was pointed out to him that what Ozzy said was he was used to being the main man on stage and that Sabbath didn't work that way because Iommi often took the spotlight for his solos and riffs they both accepted what was said wasn't done out of spite. Then the media printed they were arguing and the dickhead commentors on Blabber etc started taking sides in a fight that wasn't there.

It's the same with the latest comments. They don't like working together but they are friends, fuck that sounds like just about everyone else in the world. I've worked with heaps of people I thought were shit at work but had no problem with them outside of work. It's not a fight to take sides with it's a statement of fact.
Yeah you're dead on. They're taking sides on a fight that doesn't exist. Why take it more personally than they do? And Ozzy was pretty complimentary.
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You reckon these people would have learnt from history. After all look what happened to Mick Wall and Andy Whatshisface at Hit Parader when they copped the wrath of an Angry Axl! People on the internet need to be careful they don't want to be called to the ring :)
LOl! Get in the ring mother fucker and I'll kick your bitchy little ass..punk!. God how do I remember that?! lol
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Yeah Oz made one comment that taken by itself could have been bitchy, but he explained why he said it and it's a totally legit reason. I think it's the equivalent of quoting selected words in a forum post and getting upset by them.

You're dead for taking it more personally than Ozzy.

Them's fighting words!! You are going to pay for that!
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LOl! Get in the ring mother fucker and I'll kick your bitchy little ass..punk!. God how do I remember that?! lol

In this day and age the commentors would want right of reply and they'd offer to take on the challenge then call Axl out for not organising the ring.
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Yeah Oz made one comment that taken by itself could have been bitchy, but he explained why he said it and it's a totally legit reason. I think it's the equivalent of quoting selected words in a forum post and getting upset by them.

Them's fighting words!! You are going to pay for that!
LOL! I'm getting a screen shot of my post! :tickled:
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Hehe, I wonder how it would go selectively cutting and pasting a shit load of Blabber comments back at the commentors :)
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Haha, that would be fun. It would be even more fun when they finally realise it and start making excuses for it :)
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LOl, wtf.

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That's interesting. There is a site where some guy dedicates his time to picking out bits of covers that have been copied from elsewhere. I think he's quite proud of his work but he never looks into whether part of the agreement with band/management and artist states if such things can be done.

This really just looks like a mirror copy, but they could have paid for it
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It definitely seems odd and looks like double dipping. But you'd reckon someone who was doing artwork for a band like DT with the support of their studio/label isn't some guy just plugging away with a computer at home and therefore has got some history that got him selected. Seems really dodgy that someone like that would change so damn little from one image to the other even if what they did was ok. It really does reek of getting your kid to do a job and handling the fall out if it happens.
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